Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Columbine

the flower of the Savior
Wisdom and Strength

The columbine is said to have grown at Adam's feet in the
Garden of Eden. Through the Middle Ages. Monasteries and castle
gardens featured this flower. Originally blossoms were thought
to represent the eagle's claws but those with gentler natures said the
petals looked like a dove. Presenting the Columbine to a
loved one shows a great deal of respect. Salvation is implied, ranging
from the salvation of the soul to an attempt to ward off an evil
eye, which could otherwise sap a beloved's wisdom and strength.
~Loves Me, Loves Me Not~
The Hidden Language of Flowers
by Peter Loewer


Soon and very soon we will be going to the land of the Columbine. We're off tomorrow evening for MT to visit Mom and brother Phil and family for several days. Then on the way home we will visit Ron's sister in CO. I can hardly wait. John Denver had it right!!! It's a "Rocky Mountain High!"

I'm not sure how much access I will have to a computer. I will make every effort to post and visit. Know that I will be thinking of all of you! Will be gone for about 10 days all told but do hope to visit with you all soon.

Thanks be to God!


  1. Have a wonderful time, Cathy!
    And thanks for all your kind comments on my blog.

    I enjoyed this post so much and I never heard that sweet story of the columbine. Thanks for sharing!

    And ENJOY!

  2. You gave me some wisdom for the day and I always like that. Will you be able to find and take pictures of the columbine while you are there?

    Haven't been to the Rockies since I was a little girl, so have a super wonderful time there!

    That painting of the columbine is so very pretty!

    blessings for a safe and adventurous trip,


  3. Your trip sounds wonderful, if you skip across the Border you can visit with me...Have a wonderful safe and happy trip my friend, will look forward to your return.
    ......:-) Hugs

  4. Hope you have a great trip, Cathy! I love columbines; started with a little section in our back garden but they've spread like wildfire... I suppose I'll have to do something about that. :)

  5. I love columbine flowers!!
    I posted pics of the house (it is not ours, but one like it I swiped off the net). :)

  6. Have a wonderful time, Cathy. We'll miss the gentle wisdom you share in your blog.

  7. Have a great trip. Sing a John Denver song for me!

  8. Have a wonderful time, Cathy. It won't be the same until your back :-)

  9. have a wonderful time Kathy. We will miss you but understand if you cannot post.

  10. Looking forward to your pictures...

  11. Safe journeying, happy gatherings!


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.