Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Praying with St. Paul...

As the Year of St. Paul is winding down I would like to share this reflection with you about Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It is a lesson in perseverance, courage and strength.

Be My Light
by Father James Martin, S.J.

"God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness" has shone in our
hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on
the face of [Jesus] Christ."
(2 Cor 4:6)

The title of Mother Teresa's posthumous collection of letters is Come Be My Light. Yet ironically, her letters speak more about darkness than light. For the last fifty years of her life, the woman now called Blessed Teresa of Calcutta suffered from an intense sense of spiritual darkness. Her prayer seemed empty, futile, fruitless. God seemed absent. This "dark night" was all the more striking given the mystical experiences that she had enjoyed earlier in life. In 1946, she literally heard the voice of Jesus asking her to leave the Sisters of Loreto to found a new religious order, the Missionaries of Charity.

What was Mother Teresa's response to this long interior darkness? Fidelity, she maintained the commitment she made to God, who had asked her to "be my light" among the poor. In time, Mother Teresa realized that the darkness was one way of experiencing the abandonment that Christ faced on the cross, and that the poor face daily. And the Albanian-born nun recognized that the very longing for God is a sign of God's presence.

Many of us, when confronted with the darkness of life--spiritual, emotional, professional, or otherwise--mistakenly believe that it is punishment from God. Sometimes we even use it as an excuse not to do the hard work of the Christian life--being compassionate, loving, and merciful. Mother Teresa's arduous but ultimately joyful life shows us that following Christ depends not simply on our emotional experiences, important as they are, but on our fidelity, our trust in God's will, and our ability to surrender to the future that God has in store for us. And then, in the midst of the darkness, we are able to be God's light.

Loving God, sometimes the way is so dark and it is so hard to find you. Please help me to trust in you even when you don't seem present. And help me to see your presence in my life soon.

And so it is that I too must be faithful, even when I don't experience joy and satisfaction in prayer. For me it is not a matter that God is not listening. I find myself making the excuse that the prayer is too frivilous. Not so. I'm not being punished. I'm not abandoned. I must tell myself often that I am resting on the Father's lap while I am being taught the art of persevence, compassion, and love. Though I may fail at every turn, when the answer does come it will come with grace in abundance from the hands of a generous Father. I often ask myself. Why should I be less privileged to suffer, than the one who saved me, the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ? Indeed, if he could suffer death for me, why not I for him. In many ways we are spoiled by the Father and don't even acknowledge it.


For the opportunity to participate
in the life of the Savior,
Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Patron Saint's Day

Saint Catherine of Siena
Photo by Lawrence, OP

I have the privilege of being named after Saint Catherine of Siena. Today is her feast day and every year I am again pleased to remember this woman of God was chosen for me by my parents. She was gifted in many ways. I'm proud to be "Catherine."

"Your neighbors are the channel
through which your virtues are tested
and come to birth...just as those
who are evil give birth to all their vices
through their neighbors."

Catherine, born in 1347, was 23rd child (a twin) of Jacopo and Lapa Benicasa of siena. When she came of age, her parents wanted her to marry but she insisted that she was betrothed to Christ. In anger, her parents insisted that she act as a servant to the rest of the family. Finally, her father relented and she was allowed to follow her mystic calling. She did not become a nun but joined the Third Order of St Dominic.

Catherine is famous for her Dialogues (written accounts of her revelations from God) and her Letters which initially gave spiritual instruction and encouragement, but gradually began to deal with public matters. Many of her letters were directed to popes, kings and othe public leaders.

These were the days of the Avignon Papacy, when the pope and his staff had moved from Rome to sourthern France. Catherine not only wrote to Pope Gregory XI, respectfully chiding him for leaving Rome, but in 1376 (she was 29 years old) visited him in Avignon and did the same.

Catherine died on this date in 1380 at the age of 33. In 1970, Pope Paul VI declared her a doctor of the Church.

The Little White Book


Thanks be to God!

Monday, April 06, 2009

An Understanding...

"An Understanding"

If it is almost dark
(or almost light)
and I bump into you
in living out becoming...
mistake me,
as only a friend can,
for what I intend to be.

Continue toward
what I should most want to say,
taking as realities
these boundless bewildering capacities.
Let your love rain down
to my parched places
and stay
shining through my muddled seasons
in presence to insure
an actual awakening
from laughing potential.
See tomorrow in me today
with quiet patience
until time and times merge as one
and I am grown up
into a full child
of God,
And we are one.

~~Gilchrist Conway, S.P.~~

From Gilchrist Revisited-for Hers is the Kingdom
By Betty Rysdon Moebs, Editor


Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God, Our Companion On the Journey

A gift to me, I have tried to adapt this into my prayer life, some days more successfully than others. It's a wonderful text that calls one into prayer, guiding and affirming.

Today as he left for work, Ron, for the first time, voiced his concerns about his workplace. A BIG meeting is scheduled for day after tomorrow and he is anxious. Let it be known that The Kellers have been tested and survived. Certainly not as painfully as some, but tested none-the-less. God has ALWAYS provided us with the grace and courage to succeed in answering his call. Though anxious, we have every reason to be sure that whatever the outcome we will be provided for. In our life together there has never been a time when he has not guided us along the next step of our journey.

And so it was, when I opened my prayers this morning with this source, that I was led to Tobit 13: 1B-8. I just want to share with you the verses that comforted me.

If you turn to him with all your
heart and with all your soul,
to do what is true before him
then he will turn to you
and will no longer hide his
face from you.
So now see what he has done
for you;
acknowledge him at the top
of your voice.
Bless the Lord of righteousness
and exalt the King of the ages.

Tobit 13: 6

I take comfort in these words. For:

O God, you search me and you
know me. all my thoughts lie
open to your gaze. When I walk or
lie down you are before me ever
the maker and keeper of my days.

Bernadettte Farrell
Text based on Psalm 139

Comforted by this I go out today, knowing that, indeed, he cares about us and we can rely on his justice and mercy. Wishing all a joy filled day!


Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Prayer for Strength

One of the books I use most for reflection is A Catholic Woman's Book of Days by Amy Welborn. Finding that her husband, Michael Dubriel, had died unexpectedly has left me saddened as it has many. So I went to her reflection for today. This I offer as a testament to her wisdom and courage.

Even though you intended to do harm to me
God intended it for good, in order to preserve
a numerous people, as he is doing today.

Genesis 50:20
This ends the story of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers. The harm they intended him was turned by God into a great good as the people of both Egypt and Israel were rescued from famine by Joseph's gifts.

God's ways among us are mysterious, but one thing we do know is that turning misfortune or weakness into good is just what he does. I've seen it countless times in my own life, and there are probably just as many times i haven't because I wasn't looking.
Loving God, today I'll pay attention to what you
have to show me about the painful parts of my life.

As she has offered me hope through her words, I offer my prayers to her and her children. If you wish you may offer your condolences at Fr. Z's Blog.


Thanks be to God!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Praying with St. Paul...

The Keller Kids

Again, I am touched by the words of St. Paul. I become more grateful each day that our Pope has designated a year to him. I find those with the wisdom and knowledge teaching me through his words the ways of Christianity and reinforcing what I already believe.

The example for today is from Praying With St. Paul, edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. So let us begin.

Sister Genevieve Glen, O.S. B.

"Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which
you were also called in only body [...] be thankful. Let the
word of Christ dwell in your richly, as in all wisdom you teach and
admonish one another, singing, psalms, hymns, and spiritual
songs with gratitude in your hearts to God."
(Colossians 3: 15-16)

"Please go away and leave me in peace!" pleasds the weary mother beset by a gorde of toddlers, all clammoring for her attnetion. She echoes the cry of all those who seek relief from demands they cannot meet from attentions they do nto want, from hostility they cannont withstand. In fact, all of us tend to imagine peace as the cessation of something--demand, disturbance,suffering. However, peace is not an absence but a presence. Real and lasting peace is the gruit of disorder put fight. The peace of Christ is the gruit of the cross throught which Christ righted the order of a sorld gond mad in sin. To enter into Christ's peace, we must seek out that right order. Saint Paul tess us here to seek it by allowing Christ's word to dwell in us richly. Taught by those entrusted with the ministry of the Word, admonished by one another as we share in one another's wisdom, formed by worship--"singing psalms, hyms, and spiritual songs"--, shaped by the Eucharist, whose name means "thanksgiving," our hearts will gradually abandon all the sources of disorder that tear us apart, and will grow into right order of the Gospel. as the peace of Christ, born of a life of selfles strengthen the bonds that unite us to one another as members o Christ's Body. Thus individuals and Body confirm one antoher mutually in a growing peace which can spread outward to embrace family, neighborhood, workplace, and world. The work is slow. The disorder is deep. Individually, and together we will fall out of peace again and again as we struggle. But god is faithful, the promise is sure, and one day Christ's peace will prevail. Our task in the meantime is simple and humble: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you."

God of all peace, you have called me to live Christ's peace in a troubled world. Strengthen your peace within me and in those with whom I share my faith, worship, and life, so that I may be a living sign of hope amid violence and despair.


As I reflected on this reading I was astonished at its timing. First, on the grand scale with all the campaigning and political bantering. Most importantly, though, today of all days it impresses on me the wealth of love that can be administered if we only choose to participate in it. Let me explain. Today is the Envoy Conference at Gibault School in Terre Haute. It is a school for those children that come from painful and/or violent environments who are being offered their last chance to participate in this human family with order and dignity. It is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Indiana. Please learn more about this endeavor. These young people have left Gibault knowing what it means to have been cared for, loved, nurtured and affirmed. Some fail to make it, but more do because of the care, family atmosphere, and help with the "disorder" in their lives that is often still there when they leave.

I pray you all have the opportunity to offer your services to places like this. If not by your physical presence, then perhaps by financial offerings. God is GOOD all the time and we can prove it by DOING!!!

Please, have a grand weekend. Spend quality time with family and friends and above all, when at church tomorrow, SING your hearts out!!!

Thanks be to God!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am inspired today to write about humility. There is a reason for this. And this reason has brought me closer to the realization that God is truly working in our lives and though we do not see it all the time there is no where he cannot be found!

On my roof at this time, even as we speak, there are 7 men and Ron putting on the new roof. Ron has spent all day with our friend, Bill Wallace, taking off shingles from the front half of the roof. The story really begins when Ron asked Chris , whose family works in building contracting, at Bible study last spring if buying shingles would be wise with the rise in gasoline prices. Chris said it would be well to do that, and when was Ron going to put the roof on. Well, Ron told him not soon, but we would have the shingles when we could budget the roofers. Chris came back a week or two later and told us if we could get the shingles off he, his dad, and brothers would put the roof on sometime in the fall. Right now in Christian charity and kindness these men and Ron are putting shingles on the roof. Well, Ron is still removing shingles from the other half of the roof. Twenty years ago Ron was part of a work crew that helped put a roof on another parishioners house. Perhaps a work repaid.

I feel certain when James was writing his letter he was speaking of such things as this (James 2: 14-26). These are faith filled men who by their works, honest and good, witness to their faith. It causes my heart to swell to be the recipient of such agape love. Tears well in my eyes as I realize the wealth we have in the goodness of God and our fellow pilgrims.

May we always be blessed with charity and faith. And the hope that we will be worthy stewards of the gifts offered and received. The three virtues are all integral to the life of a Christian!


My heart is so full, all I can say is,
"Thanks be to God!"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Urgent prayer request...

Please visit Exuberance for the full details but Sr. Celeste is in need of our prayers! There is nothing like the power of prayer and if we mobilize this army can prevail. My sincerest thanks!


Thanks be to God

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Behind in your reading?

I finally picked up my copy of July/August Ligorian. It has some wonderful stories. The cover displays a beautiful picture of St. Paul and the cover story "The Jubilee Year of Saint Paul." There is a "Department" called Catholic Calendar and during the months of July and August the Church celebrate the live of 32 Saints. August holds a wealth of holy men and women, two of which are martyrs for the faith in our time, Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein).

In the article, written by Norman J. Muckerman, C. SsR., Edith Stein was the 11th child in a Jewish family. She studied philosophy, earned her PhD and became a professor. She was introduced to Catholic thought by a fellow professor Max Scheler. So interested was she in this new "philiosophical world" that she had to learn more. So it was that she read the autobiography of Saint Teresa of Avila and it became a turning point in her life. She was baptized, taught in Catholic schools for a number of year and then entered the Camelite monastery. Seeking to protect her from the Nazis and their widespread persecution her community sent her to Holland where she "lived, suffered, and prayed for the next eight years." She was later captured and sent to Auschwitz with her sister, Rosa, also a convert where they were put to death in the gas chambers.

Needless to say, I know very little about the life of this courageous lady and perhaps it is time I made an effort to become more acquainted with her. Have you met a saint today? I did and now just like any new friendship, it's time to learn more about her.

Wishing all a Grand day!


Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Cellphone Popcorn...

Picture by lla

Okay, I know I am gullible...Anyone in my family can tell you how easy it is to "gotcha" me! Soooo, I'm asking, is this really true and can it really happen?

Cellphone Popcorn

And if it can happen, WHY?


For all I do not understand
or will never understand,
Thanks be to God!!!

It allows me to use that faith offered so freely!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Reunion That Never Ends...

Today's reflection in Praying with Saint Paul, edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. reminded me of two things. First, family though not near, is always family. And memories of family, even after the reunion are precious and dear, if not emboldening. And then that the family of God is always near. They, too, support, encourage and support us. A family in every way!!!

Family Ties
Father Gary Caster

"Conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ, so
that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear news
of you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind
struggling together for the faith of the gospel, not intimidated in
any way by your opponents."
Philippians 1: 27-28

Saint Paul's words to the Philippians remind me of something my parents used to say to me and my brothers and sisters whenever we were going to be away from home or our on our own: "Behave yourselves." This was their simple way of reminding us to be the persons they raised us to be, and not to be "intimidated by whatever conflicting influences we might encounter. Unfortunately, there were times I failed to do so. It was then they would point out how my behavior didn't faithfully reflect the way I had been raised. Saint Paul uses similar words to encourage his spiritual children. He wants them to remember that in all ways and at all times they are members of the Christian family. Their conduct should therefore reflect "the way of the Gospel" in which they have been raised. as sons and daughters of God, their actions should depend--not on whether Paul is with them--but solely on the truth of who they are in Christ. Standing firm in this is a positive safe-guard against difficult situation and opposing voices. Saint Paul know they don't have to be told how to behave; they simply need to be reminded who they are. As Christians, our conduct, should flow naturally from the one spirit that binds us together as a family. The way of the Gospel requires a unity that goes beyond personal preferences, social bonds, or individual comfort levels. as one that draws us together in good times and in bad, In sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty. Only as a family united in mutual and loving concern, only as a family--one in mind and heart--can we live in peace undisturbed by those who fear, reject or are opposed to the way of the Gospel.

Heavenly Father, through the power of your spirit, let me alway live according to the truth of who I have become in Christ, never forgetting who I am, standing firm before the world ever confident in your love.

So I am encouraged, in many ways, to thank my family for the love, support, encouragement and loyalty. I can say I have never doubted their love. Then I thank my family in Christ through which this very same love, support, encouragement and loyalty has been shown to me. Through these loving people I have been guided in a mutual love of God and would be lost without them.


Finally, I say heartfelt and sincere,
"Thanks be to God!"

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Year of Saint Paul

Photo by Luiz

When, as members of the Catholic Church we are blessed with a Jubilee Year, it is a time of celebration and jubilation of who we are and from where we are rooted. It is a source of pride, and in my case, a reason for continuing to reflect even more diligently on who I am and continue to listen to the call, in whatever form it might take.

Brief History of Saint Paul (early years):
"Parish Life"
Saint John the Baptist Church
Newburgh, IN

The first reference to Saul (as he was then known) is during the persecution of the first Christian communities, specifically, his involvement in the execution of Saint Stephen. In Acts 7:54-8: 1, we read that Saul was at the execution and approved it.
One day on the way to Damascus to fine more Christians to bring back to Jerusalem for punishment, a blinding light came from the heavens so bright as to strike Saul to the ground. The voice of God then spoke to him: "Saul, why do you persecute me?" Bewildered, Saul asked "Who are you, Lord?" The voice answered, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting."

The Lord said that he was to be "an instrument" to spread the Good News among the Gentiles and throughout Israel. Historically, some scholars have placed this event at approximately 33 AD, occurring just after the execution of Saint Stephen.

It is important to note that Paul's heavenly vision is considered to be the single most significant event in the early history of Christianity, apart from the birth and life of Jesus Christ himself.

Here is today's offering from Praying with Saint Paul: Daily Reflection on the Letters of the Apostle Paul, edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P.

A Generous God
Monsignor James Turro

"For by grace you have been saved through faith,
and this is not from you; it is the gift of God."
(Ephesians 2:8)

"This is not from you, it is the gift of God." Perhaps there is not a more deep-seated, urgent desire in man than the desire to be self-sufficient--not really to need anybody or anything--God included. This of course is a fond hope. Consider that though we as a race have mastered space and in large part defeated physical illness, however we have not been able to vanquish death nor have we succeeded in achieving untrammeled and unending happiness. Clearly we need God and the happiness and security he alone can confer. Humbly we must acknowledge that we are not equal to the task of acquiring much of what we require to lead a fulfilled and successful life. We have a desperate need of God and his gifts for us to lead a fulfilled life.

We must look beyond the happiness that God confers upon us to countless other gifts and favors with which he brightens our lives. One thinks of faith--in every way, a gift of God. It is the faith of God and the things of God. It gives us to understand that just about everything short of God is limited and flimsy; only God can truly, deeply satisfy.

As one reflects on God's generosity toward oneself, a not inappropriate resolve is to emulate God's lavish generosity in our dealings with other people--an imitation of Christ.

Faith, this great gift of God, must be prized and jealously guarded. We must never jeopardize this faith in any way--not by the thoughts we think or the life we lead. It should be a hardy faith--not a faith that one possesses but a faith that possesses one. A mere profession of faith honors God because, when all is said and done, it is taking God at his word.

O God, you have heaped high the graces which you have been
pleased to offer me; give me one thing more--a grateful heart.


Enough said, except for


Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Seasons...

February, 2008

June, 2008

I remember the earlier picture as I took just before I left on retreat to St. Meinrad Archabbey. It was cold and icy. Miserable. Just the other day we worked to make the yard presentable for the summer. I thought to myself, we did a fine job.

I will give the seasonal rain to your land, the early rain and the late rain, that you may have your grain, wine and oil to gather in, and I will bring forth grass in your fields for your animals.Thus you will eat your fill.
Deuteronomy 11: 14-15

Then the rains did come and the tornadoes lashed out at the land
and it's people. Not the gentle rain, but the harsh thunderous rain. We have friends who were evacuated from their homes because of high water. There are farmers here finally got their crops in only to find them under water. I was thinking about all those in the part of the country that have been suffering from too much water, just as those in California are suffering from the lack there of. All this concern about my flowers seems so frivolous. Grooming a garden seems so trivial, when others are suffering because they have no "garden."

In admiration, I look to the farmers and their families who yearly trust that their crops will be fruitful. When they are not they don't give up. These are hard working, faith filled people who have the courage to go on in the face of crop failure for whatever reason. These are good and honorable people. I pray that they will continue to be courageous and know that we are grateful for their sacrifice so that we might be "full."

And so I pray:

Good and gracious God, I pray for those who till the earth and raise animals to feed our bodies. Continue to watch over them as they labor in the fields. Send your Spirit to bolster their courage and determination. Provide them with the will to do your bidding. Grant that they will be provided for and be under your protection in times of trial and success. I ask all this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen


For everyone and all God's graces I say,

"Thanks be to God."


enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

The Blessed Trinity

How often have we made the sign of the cross, invoking without really adverting to it, the name of the triune God? In its original meaning the sign of the Cross was, each time it was made, a renewal of our baptism, a repetition of the words by which we became Christians, and the assimilation into our personal life what was given us in baptism without our cooperation or reflection. Water was poured over us and at the same time, the words were spoken: "I baptize you in the name of the Father , and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." The Church makes us Christians by calling on the name of the the Trinitarian God. From her beginning, she has expressed in this way what she regards as the truly definitive mark of our Christianity: faith in the triune God. We find that disappointing. It seems so remote from our life. It seems so useless and so hard to understand. If there must be short formulas for expressing the tenets of our faith, then they should at least be attractive, exciting, something whose importance for men and for our live is immediately apparent. Yet, in the last analysis, this is what we are saying here: Christianity is not primarily concerned with the Church or with men, but with God. Its proper orientation is not to our hope, our fears, or our wishes, but to God, to his majesty and his power: The first article of Christian faith, the basic orientation of Christian conversion, is that God exists. We must, therefore, learn again to understand from God's perspective what being a Christian really means--that is, believing that he is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If he is that in himself he must be I and You and so he must be one God in three Persons
Pope Benedict XVI
from Magnificat Magazine, May, 2008


Enough said...


Thanks be to God!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Have faith in me"

photo by Lawrence,OP

Today's reflective reading in Magnificat is another call for us to trust. It is a testament to our humanity that we must be reminded over and over again to "have faith." In today's Gospel (John 14: 1:12) we are reminded that even Jesus' closest followers still had to be reminded, even while He was among them.

As a result of our creation, God assumes certain all-important claims to our allegiance. He is our origin; he is our supreme good, our monarch, and our absolute sovereign; he is our ruler, our protector, and our defender; he is our judge.

Let us adore and praise God in all these divine aspects. Let us rejoice that he is so great, that he possesses countless perfections, and has so much power over all his creatures who are dependent upon him in so many varied ways. Let us also rejoice that we belong to him by so many claims to our allegiance and that he vouchsafes to exercise all these rights in our regard. It is a marvelous advantage, a great glory and a singular honor for us to have an origin so noble, an end so exalted, a center so divine, a supreme good so bountiful and provident, a prototype so perfect, a king so powerful, a ruler and protector so prudent and strong, a judge so just and equitable, and a God so great so admirable and so good...

As our end, center, element and supreme good, he calls and attracts us to himself continually, saying: "Come to me all you who labor and are burdened: and I will refresh you" (Mt 11:28). If there is a secret virtue in the center of a stone, in the element of the fish, and in the sphere of fire, which so strongly attracts them, how much stronger is the virtue of our true center, our true element and our real sphere, which is God? How is it, then, that we allow ourselves to be so little attracted to him? Certainly, we must believe that we offer very great resisitance and that there must be a terrible weight of sin within us to resist such powerful attraction. O my sovereigh End, by Divine Center, attract, me draw me completely to you, and do not allow me to oppose your power in any way. (Saint John Eudes)

Saint John Eudes (+1680) was largely responsible for initiating and popularizing devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Thanks be to God!

Aside: Please note I have added "Catholic Trivia" to the side bar. I found the game we played with the children when they were younger. It is suprisingly educational and amazing how much there is to learn in "trivia." I hope you will enjoy this "corner."

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Journey

Road to Emmaus
Photo by Simon_K

We see once more that the divine dialogue, specifically designed to be in tune with the receptivity of the human subject, will take place at different levels. There differences were clearly shown by Pope Saint Gregory in his homily on the disciples of Emmaus; "The Lord appeared to two disciples who were walking along the road, speaking about him, although, in fact they did not believe in him. But he did not show them a face they could recognize; the Lord was thus revealing, on the outside, to the eyes of their body, what they were seeing inside, in the eyes of the heart. Deep inside, they loved and they doubted, and so the Lord was present to them on the outside, but he was not showing them who he was. While they were them, but since they doubted him, he hid the sight of his face from them."

Is there a better and more succinct way of saying that God reveals himself only insofar as he can be grasped to the recipient's advantage when he intervenes, even if it means that he will have to reveal himself more fully when the eyes of the heart will be able to receive the greater light? Besides, this is what St Gregory states a few lines further, when he attributes the fact that the disciples recognize Jesus in the "stranger," forced by their pressing invitation to accept their hospitality: "as they listened to the teaching, they were not enlightened; it is by carrying them out that they saw the light."

The lesson is always the same: interpersonal knowledge can only grow essentially at the expense of the transformation of the knowing subject: we know inasmuch as we love.
Father Maurice Zundel
(Father Zundel [+ 1075] was a Swiss
mystic, poet, philosopher, liturgist,
and author)

Quote from Magnificat, 4/2008 edition

I am profoundly grateful to John and his telling of the Walk to Emmaus. I am also thankful the Church has seen fit to make it such an important part of our tradition.

You see, in my simple way, I have seen Christmas as the coming of the Savior and Easter the fulfillment of God's covenant with us all. But until several years ago, I didn't see me, personally, in the picture. I listened to the Beatitudes and knew it was a lesson in charity, to which we are called. I heard the parables and the teaching of the Master. The Walk to Emmaus, though, has become a respite for me along this journey.

When I first realized the importance of this Scripture passage, I was a young mother and responsible for the week's gathering at church as we "broke open the Word" for the next Sunday's readings. I read this passage and read it and read it again, and I just didn't get it. DUH!! So why is this important, what did it mean? I could only hope that those who gathered with me would have the insights I was missing.

Well, as my father would have said, "The Spirit moved!" As we began the discussion, all of a sudden it became crystal clear! This passage is a lesson on the Mass. Our Lord set before us the Mass we celebrate. The Master instructed us in how to worship! Yes, and on that evening I found my place in the Liturgy. The Priest, as representative of Christ, is the center of worship, for with out him there can be no consecration. But if I am not in attendance, it means that I have missed that "Walk" with the Lord. I haven't heard the Word proclaimed; I haven't witnessed, through the consecration of the bread and wine, Christ's real presence in our midst.

Of all the readings in Scripture, I rank this one as one of my favorite because it was time in which I recognized how the Spirit works in our lives. How my eyes were opened. How He was made known to me through the Word, and finally, allowing me to understand his lesson in the "breaking of the bread."

Don't ya love it? You see in the moment I was "transformed."


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Time for R & R...

Yes, Retreat and Reflection. Tomorrow is the day I begin retreat at St. Meinrad Archabbey. It's been a year and time again!!! But before I go, I want to leave you with a couple of my "treasures." First, as I was going through one of my books, I found this card. Wondered what had happened to it because it gives me such a boost at the end of the day. (Perhaps mislaying it is so I don't lose my appreciation for it.)

The prayer on the back goes like this:

Thank you, God, for love's unfolding this day through the people and events that touched my life. I entrust my night's sleep to your renewing care. Copyright, Abbey Press, 1994

The other thing I would like to leave with you is the name of a book. It's called Love in the Little Things: Tales of Family Life by Mike Aquilina. It is wonderfully tender book about Christ in the midst of family from Mike's own reflections.

And so it is that I venture off.

Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Bit of Catholic Trivia

I thought this was interesting wanted to pass it along. It was written in the The Black Book.

The "Anchor Cross"

The anchor is a symbol of safety. Early Christians began to use it as a symbol of hope, especially at the time of death. Placing it on the funeral monument was an expression of trust that the departed had arrive safely at the port of eternal peace.

In the catacombs in Rome, this symbol appears as early as the second century. Since the shape of the anchor resembles a cross it was often depicted in the way that combined the anchor as a sign of safety and the cross as a sign of salvation.

This symbol aslo has its roots in Hebrews 6:19: "This we have as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm, which reaches into the interior behind the veil..."

Thanks be to God!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Well, it is with sincerity that I say "thank you" to all who prayed for me while I was giving my RCIA presentation. God has called, and these men and women have said, "Yes" to the Call to enter the Church. They appear sincere in their faith and grateful for those who are on the journey with them. And so it is with all those who in this process everywhere. I pray that the Spirit will guide those who instruct and that He will continue to be with those who inquire.

For all who have entered my life and support they have given me, I say, thanks be to God.