Monday, April 16, 2007

Atlanta in the Spring?

The treat was having pics taken with Jimmy. Was warmer on Saturday. He nearly froze to death on Sunday at the baseball game...

We had a great visit with Jimmy. He took us to the High Museum for the Louve exhibit...Found out our IMA (Indianapolis Museum of Art) membership gave us a discount on the tickets, plus a discount in the book store...At any rate it was a fun day...and we ate well the whole time we were there.

Dad's top five Best Hamburgers ( in no particular order)are now:
Fudruckers, In and Out Burgers, Zestos, Five Boys Burgers, and Red Top Hamburgers ( Colorado Springs)
Five Boys Burgers draw back is they have no T-shirts!!!!

All in all it was a GREAT visit!!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Perseverence Pays Off...

Whew...Thought I'd never get back in here! accident I found out where I was supposed to be...So as Willie ( and GrandpaK) would say "I'm on the Road Again"!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's Never Too Late...

I just read about the legend of the Easter eggs.

"Early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalen when to the tomb to annoint the body of Jesus.
Because she expected it to be a long day, she brought with her a basket of eggs for her lunch.
But, when she arrived at the tomb, Mary Magdalen discovered it was empty, the body of Jesus was gone?
Shocked, she started to set her basket down so that she could better explore the tomb.
But then something caught her eye.

Her white eggs had miraculously turned the colors of the rainbow."

(A legend or a fable is a story that doesn't pretend to be historical, but simply teaches a lesson. The events surrounding the resurrection of Christ gave rise to many legends.)

Knee Deep in the Water

Sounds like the title of a song...Not really, but after a weeks adventure in computers that's about how far I am in the process, knee deep in the water. I don't think I'm "in over my head"yet. I've managed to learn a LOT of tasks in a short time, but there is a LOT more to learn. I heard Professor Higgins (My Fair Lady) singing "She did it. She did it. . .All the time I knew she could (paraphrased) each time is did a task "all by myself". Dr. Kris has nearly all his templates replicated and so far so good. I just have to remember to check my "mail boxes", for lack of a better term, so that I get referrals made and labs done...But still not a bad week.

Thanks for the prayers. All seems well!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Dear Friend Is At Peace.

Margaret Stepenson Wallace
September 21, 1931-April 6, 2007

Last night we shared in Margaret memorial service. There was singing and family tales and beautiful scripture readings. I particularly enjoyed "Swing \Low Sweet Chariot." Today though was her final farewell. The funeral Mass was really beautiful. I am reminded of the Lady and Gentleman who first asked Ron and me to help with the Couple's Night Out by helping to serve the dinner. Then followed the Christ Child Ball for the Right to Life. The weekends we work at Mother Teresa's. The week we spent on the road with Margaret and Bill to and from Quebec...Laugh and then laugh so hard you cried. My goodness how I will miss her...especially on those Tuesday nights when we gathered to pray and share our week's experiences in our attempt to be faithful followers of Christ. She is an example to me, much as my mother is, a model of perseverance and faith. Thank you, Margaret!

Thanks be to God!