Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Could Only Laugh...

This morning, as Ron was putting the "super sliders" on the bottoms of the chairs in the living room, I was trying to measure the rug so that we could get the pad for it. I was having trouble maneuvering the measuring tape and I said,"Well, Sam, could you hold this tape still?" I'll be darned if the cat didn't jump from the chair and run over and hold the end of the tape down. And people say cats are selfish and don't want to help? Truth be known, he wanted to play with the tape...batting the end around. And play we did. A little levity is a good thing and really rejuvenating!!!

I had so much energy after we played that I made a nectarine/blueberry cobbler...YUM! YUM!

And Sam took a nap!

<*> <*><*>
Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Too Funny NOT to Share

Had to laugh out loud at this one this morning...Most days they aren't this funny or just over my head...I got this one!!!
Thanks be to God!

Gifts I Want to Save and Share

This morning my e-mail was full of all sorts of "treasures". I want to save them to see again and I want to share them with you, too. So I thought the best wasy to do that is to put them in "A Bit of the Blarney". Please enjoy as I did.

The Watchmaker<*>

Be with Me by Marian Jones
For friends who care and share I say, "Thanks be to God."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This Morning's Reflection

From Archabbot Lambert Reilly's book, Latin Sayings for Spiritual Growth, I gleaned these words.

Casus non datur. ("There is no such thing a chance") St. Thomas Aquinas
"St. Paul says, 'We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose' (Romans 8:28). Yet sometimes it is difficult to apply this to our lives.
Once my superior said to me, 'It's not good for you or the monastery for you to be stationed here presently.'
Those words hurt me and I resented my new assignment away from the monastery. However, with the passage of time I learned there was something I had to learn and would not have if I had remained in the cloister. Praise God for the exile. Now at last I can say thanks for the directive of the abbot and acknowledge the hand of God working through him.
Instead of asking why when something happens and giving voice to the atheist in us, we should ask, 'Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?' "
I must say that I have had more than one opportunity to learn from given situations. Though none seem quite as drastic as Archabbot's experience. I have found that those times of personal growth are those when I asked, "Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?" and I could witness to the lesson in my life.
Thanks be to God!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Visions of "Summer Vacation"

This morning "Grandpa" was being the "JOKER". Roy and Neil were dropping off Sarah Dog for us to watch while they spend some time in Orlando at that "theme park". Sooo, he dressed up like Clark W. Griswald and sat on the front porch with suitcase and Duchess in hand. Needless to say, we got Sarah and he was not invited to go along on the trip.
We wish the Ackerman Family, God Speed...and Hug Mickey for Grandma!!!
Thank be to God!!!