Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Traveler is Home

Do you member my remark about the neolithic-looking meteorites? Sure you do... Well, Ron's home from his great adventure and has brought home some beautiful works of celestial art.

I guess from what he tells me these are rare finds and the joy is seeing what is on the inside not what is on the outside. And the privilege of the first to see the handiwork is also awe-inspiring.

This meteorite, though not apparent in this photo has what is called "an inclusion" or void in the middle. This is a picture he took of the outer edge of it.


A "slice" of another meteorite has complex geometric designs. When etched and polished I am assured it will be an even grander work of art.

And whose art might that be? I think that is easy...I only have to go back to Genesis chapter one for that answer.
All glory and praise to God who makes all things.

Thanks be to God.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Are You Ready for This?

I have been ever so careful all week not to close the back door behind me when I took out the Duchess...This morning at 5:30 a.m., for some unknown reason, I closed that very door behind me. Imagine my surprise when we tried to go back into the house!! No, we were the only ones in the neighborhood up at that hour. Yes, I had on my heavy robe and slippers. No, there is no key under a stone by the back door ( but some kind of arrangements will be made now). I did not...I repeat, I did not panic, even though the garage door opener was in my locked car outside the garage. So, I decided Duchess and I would sit on the front step until we saw a light go on in a neighbors house. But salvation came in the guise of the paper delivery man. He had a cell phone and I was able to call the Ackerman house and Roy came to unlock the front door. Whew. They live 30 minutes away, it was 43 degrees outside, but I was able to sit on the step and watch the sunrise and say my morning prayers with much gratitude in my heart and relative comfort, for though it was chilly there was no wind...God is GOOD, all the time!!!

Ron will be home tomorrow from his "adventure" and I will be truly glad...I've had about all the excitement I can take for one week...
Thanks be to God!!!!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Latin Is a Dead Language.

St. Mary-or-the-Wood College, Indiana

I had taken two years of Latin in high school and that was our favorite excuse when exams were returned and we hadn't done as well as we had anticipated. I have this wonderful book now, written by Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B of St. Meinrad, IN. It's called Latin Saying for Spiritual Growth. Let me share this with you, because I have found there is Life in words in whatever language they are spoken (or not spoken...anymore.)

Cor gaudens exhilarat factem

('A joyful heart light up the face')

St. Teresa of Avila says, "Deliver us from frowning saints!" This doesn't mean that we are to be Pollyannas, blind to the harsh realities of life; but it does mean that in our hearts we know that whatever happens, the Lord is dealing with us as we should be dealt with.

When we realize that whatever we are experiencing is something to help us along the road to eternal life, we can bear it, and we can bear it in hope. That inner hope then finds its way to our countenance, and we'll live the truth that Paul expresses in Romans when he says, "We rejoice in our suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope" (Romans 5:3-4).

The joy in our heart that we experience when we realize that the Lord loves us and would never leave us will reflect His light for all to see.


Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


~~~Sam, the Protector~~~

At about 3:30 this morning I was awaken by sounds made by Sam. At first I thought he had just gotten stuck under the bathroom sink again or leaped up onto the hamper and tried to sit in the window sill (but forgot the window was closed). Well, that wasn't it and I couldn't even find him so I went back to bed. Then I heard the noise again and so I got out of bed again and went to the kitchen thinking he had no water or he was "batting" about the feeder because he couldn't get the food to come down. Well, that wasn't it either. About ten minutes later into the bedroom he prances with something that "squeaked". OH, my GOODNESS. Sam had caught a mouse!! No bigger that a small Jalapeno pepper, he sat there on the floor in front of the closet preparing his meal. Then he did, yes he did, he began to eat it...Well, needless to say I had to leave the room. When I returned about 20 minutes later Sam passed me in the dark hall appearing to be quite content and proud of himself. As for me, I crawled back into the bed, pulled the covers up and went back to sleep with a strange feeling of security knowing now I didn't have to set out the "winter" traps.

Oddly enough, I had seen him bear his prize moles to us so we could see and praise him for a "job well done", but I never saw him devour them. But, as he proved this morning he is more that a pretty cat or "that lazy cat". He is a valuable member of the family. He keeps us safe from "little" rodents, this Mouser Extraordinaire.

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Trek of the Meteorite Apprentice

A Cluster of Meteorites

I thought as I posted this picture, it almost looks neolithic. They are not beautiful or glamorous to me, but to Ron, "the earthbound astronaut" they rank up there with bars of gold bullion.

Today he begins his quest to learn how to process them for sale. You see he wants to turn his love of space and its specimens-come-to-earth into an opportunity whereby retirement, when it comes, will not bring boredom. There is a gentleman in Syracuse, NY who has cut and etched meteorites for 25 years and Ron is going there to learn the process from the master. So the truck is loaded and ready to go, and just like a kid he can hardly wait to get started.

So it is that I wish the star gazer and meteorite lover a safe journey, patience, and a continued appreciation of the wonders of God's creation along with the prayers offered for a safe return.

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky, to separate day from night. Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years, and serve as luminaries in the dome of the sky to shed light upon the earth." And so it happened.
Genesis 1:14-15


Thanks be to God!!