Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Bit of the Blarney: The Gift of Friendship

From A Bit of the Blarney

I just got off the phone with my dear friend, Martha. We chatted for over an hour. Yes, over an hour. Martha now lives in New Jersey and so these chats are cherished. The only thing missing was the cup of tea and the kitchen table.

Then last week I spoke with another of my dearest "sisters." She's having extensive nasal surgery tomorrow (please pray for her). And like always we laughed and talked and talked and laughed. Yes, and she now lives in Texas. So I revisited a post I wrote over a year ago The Gift of Friendship and thought I would share it again. You see, now many of you have become visitors to THIS front porch and you are all very special to me.

So, I say good week to you all and drop in any time!! You are all most welcome!!!


Thanks be to God!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Seasons...

February, 2008

June, 2008

I remember the earlier picture as I took just before I left on retreat to St. Meinrad Archabbey. It was cold and icy. Miserable. Just the other day we worked to make the yard presentable for the summer. I thought to myself, we did a fine job.

I will give the seasonal rain to your land, the early rain and the late rain, that you may have your grain, wine and oil to gather in, and I will bring forth grass in your fields for your animals.Thus you will eat your fill.
Deuteronomy 11: 14-15

Then the rains did come and the tornadoes lashed out at the land
and it's people. Not the gentle rain, but the harsh thunderous rain. We have friends who were evacuated from their homes because of high water. There are farmers here finally got their crops in only to find them under water. I was thinking about all those in the part of the country that have been suffering from too much water, just as those in California are suffering from the lack there of. All this concern about my flowers seems so frivolous. Grooming a garden seems so trivial, when others are suffering because they have no "garden."

In admiration, I look to the farmers and their families who yearly trust that their crops will be fruitful. When they are not they don't give up. These are hard working, faith filled people who have the courage to go on in the face of crop failure for whatever reason. These are good and honorable people. I pray that they will continue to be courageous and know that we are grateful for their sacrifice so that we might be "full."

And so I pray:

Good and gracious God, I pray for those who till the earth and raise animals to feed our bodies. Continue to watch over them as they labor in the fields. Send your Spirit to bolster their courage and determination. Provide them with the will to do your bidding. Grant that they will be provided for and be under your protection in times of trial and success. I ask all this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen


For everyone and all God's graces I say,

"Thanks be to God."


enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Navajo Rug

Picture by marymactavish

I found the most wonderful reflection today. I was reading Radical Grace: Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr, O.F.M. The subject is perfection. I readily identified with this. A lot of voices from the past started talking to me. "You got a 98% on the test. Why didn't you get 100%?" "You played that song well. But I heard a mistake as you began." From family to teacher to friends, we go through life looking for validation in one way or another and seldom find it.

The Navajo Rug

In a Navajo rug there is always an imperfection woven into the corner. And interestingly enough, it's where "the Spirit moves in and out of the rug." The pattern is perfect and then there's one part of it that clearly looks like a mistake. The Semite mind, the Eastern mind (which, by the way, Jesus would have been much closer to) understands perfection in precisely that way.

Perfection is not the elimination of imperfection. that's our Western either/or, need-to-control thinking. Perfection, rather, is the ability to incorporate imperfection! There's no other way to live: You either incorporate imperfection, or you fall into denial. That's how the Spirit moves in or out of our lives.

From Breathing Under Water:Spirituality and the 12 Steps

I believe I learned today that my life is a Navajo rug. It has it's flaws. But God made me. The flaws that occur are mine. The flaws are there because I "live." Though the ones who love me have long tried to mend and repair me in their own ways, I am the only one, with my God, who can truly make it right. It is consoling to know that the Creator's "Spirit moves in and out" of me.

Just as when I have completed a project and am most pleased with its outcome, some one will/would come to me and point out an error/errors. It used to embarrass me or make me angry with myself because I failed to find the mistake. But I soon learned that when this error was pointed out to me, someone had really paid attention to my work. Now, whether intentional or not, I get a certain amount of satisfaction in hearing about them as that means they READ it, noticed the work. Now, there are times I even do it do it on purpose. So, too, I can continue on the road to perfection without carrying most the old baggage by which I have been heavy laden. I can let go of it and start anew. Then the Spirit becomes the proof-reader of the next chapter of my "book."

So, feel free to proof read and make corrections!!


Thanks be to God!

Monday, June 09, 2008

The Simple Women's Daybook

It's Monday and time to join The Simple Woman. It's time for The Simple Woman's Daybook. It is interesting to read other's thoughts and dreams and so again I offer mine. If any of you are interested in giving it a try visit that address above.


~*~ OUTSIDE MY WINDOW there is a glorious sunrise.
~*~ I AM THINKING it's such a glorious day to be alive.
~*~ I AM THANKFUL for Ron, who worked so hard to get some nasty grass out of the garden so we can continue to plant some more flowers.
~*~ FROM THE KITCHEN I've been wondering if it is too warm to fix chicken and dumplings. am having one of those cravings.
~*~ I AM WEARING robe and slippers.
~*~ I AM GOING to work today. It's the first day back from vacation for the Dr.s and it should be very busy.
~*~ I AM READING Esther and Murder on K Street by Margaret Truman.
~*~ I AM HOPING to get shopping done for the "Basket Bonanza" for the Summer Social at church.
~*~ I AM HEARING the birds singing outside and Freddie the Frog.
~*~ AROUND THE HOUSE there are signs of beautiful blooming flowers and the gardens are finally starting to take shape.
~*~ ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS is getting ready for a trip.
~*~ A FEW PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK are getting ready to travel to INDY for Lindsey's birthday.

This is a reminder of the road trip
we took to MT last summer. This is
Ainsely and Lindsey in downtown
Rapid City, SD. It is a lovely town!

Again please visit The Simple Women and then jump in!! The water is fine.
Thanks be to God!

Think Green

It should be easy for us, of Irish descent, to think green. Green bein' the color we/I most prize. So I thought it appropriate to consider how we can all consider the "greenin' of the environment." My dad had a phrase, when it came to conserving heat in the house, when we failed to close the front or back doors securely in the winter..."Were ya born in a barn?!" We knew what it meant immediately. CLOSE THE DOOR!

Then I married an environmentalist. Yes, Ron was collecting aluminum/steel cans 4o years ago. He even worked in aluminum recycling for nearly 25 years before he went to work for Toyota. He even started a small business by which he would but scrap aluminum, melt it down and resell the product. (It helped put 5 of us through college.)

I remember when plastic bags replaced the paper grocery bags. What a deal I thought! But then what do you do with them when you are finished with them. Well, of late I have started using grocery bags that are reusable. The Schuncks here supplies reusable bag (for a price, $1.00). Wesselman's uses paper grocery bags with handles. If I were smart I could have just gone back to the store the next time and handed them the plastic bags they had given me at the last visit and reused them that way. At any rate, what I am trying to say, is I hope by starting in little ways I can help make us green at the Keller house. Oh! and before I forget! Target had a red bag that zips up small enough to fit in your purse...I love it!!!

Enough preaching! Will show you the recycling center in my kitchen sometime. It was a birthday present about 5 years ago. Have a Good day!!!


Thanks be to God!