Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Adventure Tour Express

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

Adventures begin in many ways, but often they bring surprises.  Like the year we went to the Keller Homestead in eastern Colorado.  The horizon on the eastern plains.  The majesty of the sky and the  broad expanse of the landscape.

I remember when we went into the house and  Ron walked into the kitchen he said, "In 50 years nothing has changed."

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Then it was off to Colorado Springs, The Garden of the Gods, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and the Broadmoor Hotel.

All this a reminder to me of the much awaited adventure home this year to Montana and Colorado.

Thanks be to God!

Please join now and offer one of your adventures and allow us to travel with you on your tour! 
All Aboard!!!

Creative Tuesday

I've not done Creative Tuesday before but thought I'd give it a try.  This store front in in the only mining town of Cripple Creek, Colorado.  It was taken in 1972 following a hail storm.  I've not been back to Cripple Creek since then so I cannot tell you anything about its status.  But indeed it had seen better days.

It looks a bit different after I played with it on picnik.  It's fun to experiment!  Wishing all a grand day!

Thanks be to God!

Now if you will visit Hot Toast and Jam  you will witness much better creations!

Please remember to mark your calendar for this year's Adventure Tour Express.  It is each Wednesday through the summer months!  Please come and share your vacation adventures.  All are welcome!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

~Mosaic Monday/Macro Monday~

Sam, Master of All He Surveys

Red Rose had a visitor today. Just stayed long enough to get in out of the heat, then flew away.

Thanks be to God

Now please visit Mary at The Little Red House and share in the beauty offered there.   Lisa at  Macro Monday  also has much to offer.  The pictures are grand.

Remember the Adventure Tour Express will begin running again this summer travel season starting this Wednesday, 6/1/2011  I will be happy to be the tour guide for all who wish to share their adventures.  The train will run each Wednesday during the summer.  Any and all adventures are welcome, from the weekend jaunt, the day at the park, to the wonderful vacation adventure!  Please come and join the fun!  We will begin next week following this Memorial Day weekend!  Please have a safe and wonderful weekend and...
Welcome Aboard!!!

And my dashboard is still among the missing.  Let me know if any of you find it!  Thanx!!!

Friday, June 03, 2011

Quick Note...

Due to continued problems with Blogger I have decided to take the weekend off...Will be back with post on Sunday and hope that perhaps by then I can access my dashboard.  Wishing you all a safe and adventurous weekend so that you can be one of the travel guides on The Adventure Tour Express on Wednesday.
Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Adventure Tour Express

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

I'll begin my adventure with one of my favorite destinations. Visiting our nation's capitol is an adventure that really never ends. My love affair began in 1965 when, for a graduation gift from high school, I traveled to The City at Christmas. Oh, my goodness what an adventure. Six years later, as the wife of a newly commissioned Second Lieutenant assigned for temporary duty to Ft. Belvoir, VA we had the opportunity to visit The City on a regular basis. Perhaps that's the reason our oldest child, then a year old, was so interested in art history that she now teaches art in high school for we spent every opportunity in the museums.

The National Portrait Gallery

I marvel  every time we visit this museum at the talent and skill of each an every artist whose art is exhibited here and elsewhere in the city.

This is a city where walking should be a must.  For if you get into the car and drive you miss so many wonderful attractions that may or may not be in your tour book.

Lovely skyline

The White House...and the lights are on!

One of the City's many parks

Walk about if you visit and have a chance.  There is so much more to be taken in by just traveling on foot.  I'll leave you today with a treasure to be found at the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum.

The Hope Diamond

Please join in the adventure today by taking us along on one of your journeys.  I look forward to traveling to many and sundry destinations today!

Thanks Be to God!

Please copy the button above and become one of Adventure Tour Express's tour guides and every week we will travel the world together!  We'll have a grand time!