Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunlit Sunday and Mosaic Monday

When the sun rises
There is joy and warmth in it
Wonders never cease

I looked around the house today and saw that my Valentine's Day was still here.  Bringing Spring even closer to fruition.  I love it when the wonder of God's creation lingers on.  Happy Day to you!!!


Thaks be ot God!!!!


Karen has invited us to join her on Sunlit Sunday.  Stop by and offer your bit of sunshine today.
And please visit Mary at The Little Red House and share in the beauty offered there.   And though I hve nothing to offer at  Macro Monday  Lisa has a wonderful time planned for you.  The pictures all are an inspiration!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Haiku My Heart

Pondering God's love
Reflections on salvation
Glory be to God

Thanks be to God!

Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ash Wednesday, 2012

Dear ones,

I offer this letter as an inspiration to those who are preparing for the beginning of Lent as I am.  Wishing all a journey of introspection and growth in your journey to the Cross and the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lent – 2012
A Journey to the Light of Christ

My dear Providence Associates, Candidate-Associates and Companions,

A few years ago I sat in my office having just unlocked the church and school doors.  I heard the slamming of car doors more than usual as women and men dashed out of their cars to get into the Church for the 6:30 AM Mass.  It was still very dark outside and I heard the voices say, “I am here for the Ashes – what time do they give them out?” The school parking lot was full throughout the day,  another Mass and more Ashes were given to the individuals, followed by two more prayer services where everyone received their Ashes and the phone constantly kept ringing and the voices would say, “What time will Ashes be given today?”

Yes, that is the exterior sign of Ash Wednesday!  But what about our interior, what about our heart and soul, can we calm our mind down to simply Be Still and Listen?  That is the challenge for me this Lent! It would be much easier to go to the desert filled with quiet, filled with solitude and simply wait to hear what God has to say to us.  Wouldn’t it be nice if life were that easy?

Most of us do not live in the desert; we live in the middle of the chaos of busyness, noise, running to this meeting, hurrying up to make dinner, going off to work, carrying for children, carrying for parents, carrying for a loved one and it just doesn’t stop. 

As this Ash Wednesday approaches, perhaps we can take a little time to think of ourselves, to think of the sacred vessel that Christ has made us to be.  Think of the interior gifts that lie deep within each of us.  As each day begins, take something positive from within yourself – in your running make time to see your beauty.  Name it and thank God for that wonderful gift.  As each day passes by, Lent comes to the glorious moment of the new light and new life we see within each of us.  We will truly be the sacred vessel Christ made us to BE.

I don’t sit in that office anymore – you all know where I am today!  It is not about the exterior we long to see – it is the interior, the real humanity that Christ himself took on to show us the way. Our own St. Mother Theodore did not have time to sit in the desert; she plowed through the dense forest of the unknown, just as we plow through our busy days of the unknown.  Let us open our hearts and souls to these days of Lent and honor and recognize the beautiful gifts that Christ has given us.  On Easter morning there will be a transformation within you.

Together, let us hold one another in prayer as we walk these 40 days of seeking the positive within ourselves.  Please know that Debbie Dillow, PA and I will be walking with each of you as together we seek the brightness within each of us.  What an Awesome Gift!

In God’s Providence,

Sister Diane Mason. SP

This is an opportunity for me to travel with the Savior from his temptation in the desert to  his crucifixion.  And then we can really feel the exultation of His resurrection and our salvation!  


Thanks be to God!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Joy In Tea Talk

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the
 comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.
~~Author Unknown~~

I'm having...Chia Latte  Oh my how tasty!

My really my favorite pot and mug duo.

I'm feeling... I'm feeling excitement in the anticipation of what has become for me an annual get-away.  Tomorrow I begin retreat at Saint Meinrad Archabbey with fellow friends and "companions on the journey!!!"

On my mind... preparation for tonight's Bible Study.  I still need to pack too.

Please join Ruth at Tea Talk today.


Today I also join Meri for Share the Joy Thursday.   For I believe we need to find it in my life every day no matter the realities in which we live.  God is Good in so many ways even in times of trial.

Joy comes in many forms.
And this day has the potential of
being just as grand as

as a winter sunrise.  I must be open to it!

Thanks be to God!!!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mosaic Monday

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Love and hearts abound
With the cooing of love birds
It's Valentine's Day!


And please visit Mary at The Little Red House and share in the beauty offered there.   And though I have nothing to offer at  Macro Monday  Lisa has a wonderful time planned for you.  The pictures all are an inspiration!