Thursday, June 25, 2020

When All Is Calm

Calm on the river
Tranquility and quiet
Leaves me most grateful

Thanks be to God!


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!!  

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Newan University Church

I was finally working on organizing my photos and formulating the memory book from our trip to Ireland  when I revisited this moment in the tour of Dublin.  It wasn't scheduled but the tour guide stopped so we could visit this church and neighborhood.  

I had learned about Saint John Henry Newman and his life through Bishop Robert Barron's Word On Fire series Pivotal Players.  It was also exciting to be where he had preached and instructed.   He had only just recently be canonized on October 13, 2019 and we were there on November 9, 2019.

Saint John Henry Newman was born in London, England.  He was an influetial churchman and man of letters of the 19th caentury, who lead the Oxford movement in the Church of England and later became a cardinal deacon of the Roman Catholic Church.
 This is the street where he lived.  
The blue door was the entrance to his home.

The unobtrusive entrance to the Church of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom 
also know as Newman University Church
The beatiful interior of this historic church

Where Saint John Henry Newman preached.


It's been a privilege for me to travel to many places and the best part of travels are those that are not planned.  For those I am truly grateful!

Thanks be to God!!


Please join me for Mosaic Mondayimage-in-ing, and Our World Tuesday.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Let There Be Peace

Heavens are weeping
From the pain and suffering
Just peace must prevail

Thanks be to God!


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!!  

Sunday, June 14, 2020


I love walking in the early morning.  It is generally quiet and it's much cooler.  I'm get impatient for it to cool off in the evening for a walk so I just walk in the morning.  
Last week one of my early morning walks was foggy and just the right temperature for an energizing walk.  It was so foggy you couldn't see the opposite bank of the Ohio.

This morning was different.  The sun was trying to rise through the clouds and it was gloriously cool.  The humidity was low for this time of the year and I was in heaven.  

The sun's trying to peek through the clouds.

The flora was flaunting its beauty!
And even on the best of days there are those who just cannot help but defy ther rules.  Right now it has just begun to rain.  It looks like my heavenly walk ended just in time.

Thanks be to God!


Please join me for Mosaic Mondayimage-in-ing, and Our World Tuesday.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Empty Nest

From the empty nest
Three cardinal eggs were laid
Two flew away


Mom and Dad cardinal built this fragile nest in a rose bush next to the house.  We saw them flying in and out of the bush tending to the wee ones.  There were three fledglings in the nest but only two flew away.  One morning we saw on had landed on the patio in the sun.  Ron picked  him up and put him back in the nest.  Mom came and teneded to him.  He was found again under the patio table.  Again he was returned to the nest chirping away.  Finally, that evening we went outside to sit in the cool air, only to find the wee on had passed.  He was lying under the tree in the shade.  Such a sad ending to a story of hope.  Hope we must all have that hadn't we.  I do HOPE so.

Thanks be to God!


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!!