Sunday, April 08, 2007

He Is Risen! Alleluia!! Alleluia!!

Easter Vigil was as always glorious and awe-inspiring! As we hear the readings in the dark of the church with only candle lit from the newly blessed Easter candle, there is comfort in the midst of my worshipping family.

The time comes when the lights come up and the Gospel is proclaimed..."Peter got up and ran to the tomb, bent down, and saw the burial cloths and; then he went home amazed at what had happened." Luke 24:12

The baptisms, the blessing, the confirmation of my baptismal vows...Glory be to God, Alleluia!!! The Liturgy of the Eucharist sung, the incense, all the senses experiencing to blessedness of the moment, fill me with a longing to be more Christ-like, more compassionate, more caring and loving. A prayer sincerely prayed.

This morning I was privileged to participate in the proclamation of the Word. To see the community of faith up and singing at 7:00 a.m. is in itself a wonderful experience. I always pray that the spirit will guide His words through me to the community. The privilege is in being "used". How often can that be said.

Yes, indeed Christ is risen, Our Lord is truly risen!!!

Happiest of all Easters!!! And the may the Blessings of the Almighty be on you all!!!

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