Friday, August 24, 2007

My Partner Moves On...

"May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed."

Psalm 20:4


Today my partner and friend, for the last 7 years, leaves to pursue her dream. Tricia will start the completion of her nursing degree. She now has to be a full-time student which means she has to leave us at the office. Tricia has become a dear friend, a prized sounding board, and companion on the journey. Tricia and I work as a team. We always know what has to be done and we do it. It is the kind of teamwork that requires no "assigned jobs". It just got done. I will soooooo miss that.

Tricia is a gifted and talented young lady with tremendous potential. She is a loving mother whose sons one day will know and realize her devotion to them. She is a wife who knows the value of compromise. All this and more, she knows and values the presence of God in her life.


And so it is with mixed feelings, Tricia, that I wish you success and know we will be seeing each other soon over breakfast to share our friendship.

Finally, I think this best describes Tricia and me.

The joy of sharing
the same sense of humor.
Separate and shared.
Yours, mine, ours.
Always there when needed
to back each other up.
One of God's best gifts.



Thanks Be to God!

1 comment:

  1. You are too sweet. Thank you. I will be starting my blog soon--let me get adjusted to my new schedule. I got to say, I felt really strange not going to work to be with all of you.
    I love you.


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.