Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Feast of Corpus Christi

I was reminded this morning at Mass how it is that on this Glorious Day of Celebration many are not thinking about the Kingship of the Savior. Every year in the Church's liturgical calendar this feast officially ends the year and the following Sunday we observe the beginning of the Season of Advent, that season when we anticipate the celebration of Our Lord's birth. Why is it that we do not revel in the joy of this feast? Not only have we been saved by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we are also made co-heirs of the "kingdom" through Baptism.

St. John of the Cross writes...

The soul experiences in God as much gentleness and love as it does power and dominion and grandeur, for everything in God is one. The delight is strong; and the protection is powerful in gentleness and love, that the soul might endure the strong delight, and instead of fainting stand powerful and strong. If Ester fainted, it was because the king did not at first show himself to her favorably but as it says there, disclosed with burning eyes the furor of his heart (Est 15: 10). Yet she came to herself after he favored her, held out his scepter and touched her with it, and embraced her and told her that he was her brother and not to fear (Est 15: 11-12).

The soul no longer fears, since from henceforth the King of heaven acts in a friendly way toward it, as toward his brother and his equal. In revealing to it, in gentleness and not in furor, the might of his power and the love of his goodness, he communicates to it from his heart strength and love, going out to it from his throne, which is the soul itself, like the Bridegroom from his bridal chamber (Ps 18:6), where he was hidden and turned toward it, touching it with his scepter, and embracing it as a brother. There we find the royal garments and their fragrance, which are God's admirable virtues; there the splendor of God, which is charity; there is glittering of the precious stones of knowledge of the higher and lower substances; there the face of the Word, full of graces, which shines upon the queen, which is the soul, and clothes it in such a fashion that, transformed in these attributes of the heavenly King, it is aware of having become a queen. (Magnificat November, 2007)

And so, I think this should also be a day of grand celebration!!! But then I have always loved a party. Just knowing and understanding that like the "good thief" we too will be one day with the King in Paradise should be reason to dance, sing and praise the Lord...Party!

And in sincere gratitude I say, "Thanks be to God!!!"


  1. GrandmaK, thank you for your comment on my blog about this special feastday. This is a wonderful passage from St. John of the Cross; when he says that God's love is powerful in its gentleness and protection, it reminds me of what Fr. Keating is saying about Jesus' reign of Divine Love and compassion. But you know, your thoughts about this feastday being celebrated with more joyousness strikes a chord with me, and has me thinking I'd like to do a little more reading on the origins of the feastday.

  2. Amen to that! That's why I don't despair. I know that in time all of us will be back in heaven.

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    The Goddess In You

  3. Amen, Grandma K.



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