Friday, January 25, 2008


Dear friends, Sunday is the day of my RCIA presentation of the Healing Sacraments. If you could send up a prayer that I be a TRUE instrument of the Holy Spirit and that His voice is the one they hear and it is his Love that is shared.

The Spirit really is a true friend. One I have come to rely on for some time. Thanks to my dad, who said he didn't start his day without a word with Him, I think it is now second nature to me.

I really was having trouble with organizing the "Breaking Open the Word" portion of the presentation, but after my son, David, and I prayed together it just seemed to come together. Thanks be to God and David's phone call.

So the work is done on the presentation. Now the work starts with me. "Just Pray," Mom says, "the rest comes together." So I think with an army of prayers I should do okay.


For you all who give so generously, I say,


  1. Cathy,

    I will pray for you.

    May God Bless you in your desire to bring those in need to a deeper understanding and love of Christ.

  2. You'll be in my prayers between now and Sunday, Cathy. Let us know how things go...when you get time.

  3. Blessings, Cathy! I know you'll do great!

  4. Count on your angels to be with you and guide you.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and your kind comments. Drop by again!

  5. I'm sure you will do a wonderful job...I wish I could listen to the presentation.

    God bless; I will keep you in my prayers.

  6. I'll be sure to say a prayer for you!

  7. Praying here too. How wonderful that you are involved in this.

  8. Will be praying!
    God Bless!!

  9. Praying for you Cathy:) The Holy Spirit will come to your aid:).

    Peace to you:)



Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.