Friday, January 18, 2008

Right to Life III

Quebec, 2003

Day Three
To Truth Through Amazement

Father of life, unworthy though I am, implant within my heart an amazement that you have shared your life with me, and have destined me for eternal bliss.

A Reading from the First Letter of Saint John 1John 3:1-2
See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

(silent reflection)

God of all creation give me the grace to live this day as a prelude and a preparation for eternal life with you.

A Reflection by Pope John Paul II*
Revelation therefore introduces into our history a universal and ultimate truth which stirs the human mind to ceaseless effort; indeed, it impels reason continually to extend the range of its knowledge until is senses that it has done all in its power, leaving no stone unturned...The truth of Christian Revelation, found in Jesus of Nazareth, enables all men and women to embrace the "mystery" of their own life... Christian Revelation is the true lodestar of men and women as they strive to make their way amid the pressures of an immanentist habit of mind and the constriction of a technocratic logic. It is the ultimate possibility offered of love which began with creation. To those wishing to know the truth, if they can look beyond themselves and their own concerns, there is given the possibility of taking full and harmonious possession of their lives precisely by following the path of truth.

Our Father. . .
Hail Mary. . .
Glory Be. . .

*Pope John Paul II, Encyclical, Fides et Ration, nos, 14, 15.

"To those wishing to know the truth, if they can look beyond themselves and their own concerns, there is given the possibility of taking full and harmonious possession of their lives precisely by following the path of truth." As I read this, I was struck by the wealth of insight in these words. Imagine, Cathy. If you can be less selfish and more selfless you can follow the Way without those burdens that claim you when the "I" in you is overshadowed by concerns for the "other". The "truth" is I know and have experienced the "path of truth". But wanderlust causes me to roam and I have to stumble, twist an ankle or stub a toe in order to know I must find my way back to "the path." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to "read" this map.

Taking full and harmonious possession of my life means loving Him who made me and loving what he made, Me! Some days I am not so easy to love, by me or anyone else. Knowing that God always does, no matter what, is the hardest part of the concept to understand and yet since it is true I must glory in that and in turn love "me" as well. So it is that true self-love means giving up the "ego" as I envision it and accept the vision of Truth as it really is. God made me, God loves me, and I have been saved by His Son. Amen.

~Today I have again been amazed!~
Thanks be to God.


  1. As always, such a wonderful reflection, Cathy. But, I cannot imagine that you aren't easy to love!

  2. Wishing you a life-long journey along the path, and the quick healing of stubbed toes.

  3. Truly a beautiful reflection. The call to "embrace the mystery of our own life" is something I'll ponder the rest of the day. God bless.

  4. You all have been very kind! Thank you.

  5. Thank you for this beautiful post.


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