Friday, August 01, 2008

Bad Haiku Friday

mother cradles child

she caresses her with love

that's what mothers do

Done and done...because of a double dog dare I could not resist from Bia. It was challenging to say the least and the words did not "flow." It must take a lot of practice for it seems to me these words lack the grace and tenderness of others I have read. Pretty rough around the edges, wouldn't you say?

I would also encourage you to visit Suzy Q and find out about her give-away! It will be worth your while.


It IS Friday, so for that I say,
"Thanks be to God!"


  1. PERFECT!!! So tender...

    and now you can say you have written a haiku.

    Way to go!!!!!

  2. Yep...Can't say I've never done that before again!! Thanks for the incentive...Double Dog Dare!!! Really! Cathy

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. no, i would not say! if it took a double dog dare to find these words then i think you should be double dog dared more often!!! i liked your haiku, cathy.

    - Laure

  5. Nice post, love the new picture on your blog:)

  6. Thank you Laure...very kind words from you!

    I like the flower too. It seems close enough to touch, but it's really in MT.

  7. Thank you for writing such lovely haiku!!!

  8. This is such a sweet, tender (like Bia said) haiku! I love it! And I totally love your new header picture, Cathy!


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.