Friday, June 19, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

Haven't done this for awhile so thought that I'd use it as a preview for what is to come on our travels this weekend.

We're off to Charlotte
Family and play

Happy Father's Day!

Wishing all a grand weekend of family and friends. ENJOY!!! Will be back Tuesday!


Thanks be to God!!!


  1. Enjoy your long, happy weekend!
    I enjoy your 'bad' Haiku Fridays!

  2. Have a wonderful weekend Cathy, enjoy your family and may your husband have a wonderful Father's Day......:-) Hugs

  3. Enjoy. Be safe. Write more haiku (bad or otherwise!).

  4. Can't wait to read more when you return. What does it mean when you are good at writing bad Haiku? :)

    Safe travels!

  5. Hope you are having a wonderful time.
    Just wanted to say, I've been blessed reading your other blog today too.

  6. not "bad" at all and from the post that follows this one - a good time was had by all!


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.