Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Resting Today, But Still Working

By Mary Engelbreit

As I am recuperating from most busy day at work yesterday, I would guide you to two post I found this morning to be most refreshing. The first is SuzyQ's Sailing by Starlight. The other is quietly beckoning at The Duchess.

Have a grand day, All

And thanks be to God!


  1. Dearest Kathy! Oh how you bring me such fond memories of our play and the writing you did! Yes, old photos embellished are lovely. I am fortunate to have these of my grandma! And yes, I agree that the Dutchess is a secret place ready to be discovered by those who seek a quiet, friendly place! God is good, isn't he Cathy?! He is good to me. Bless you friend, Anita

  2. Dear Kathy.. have a wonderful, restful day!!

  3. Or, as Norman Vincent Peale so aptly put it "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be happy."

    And enjoy your rest time!

    blessings and hugs,


  4. Hope you're taking it easy, Cathy.

    Suzy's writing is something else, isn'it? I can't say it there but I can say it here!

    Thanks for the link to the Duchess - a lovely step into something quiet as you say.

  5. Hope you are feeling better and had a restful day, which you truly deserve.....:-) Hugs

  6. good quote, cathy!
    happy weekend!


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.