Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Resurrection

Yesterday I read a reflection in Mission 2000-Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way. I had started to write my reflection in my other blog/journal, Provident God, and found myself developing an analogy using the seasons of the year to compare the Resurrection. I was so tired at the end of the day that I had to stop and I realized that it will take more reflection than I thought. Indeed, Salvation through Resurrection is not that simple when really applied to my life. But I still think of life a Seasons through which we are traveling and through which we meet many changes and learn valuable lessons as we travel the road to OUR Resurrection. I guess this is a work in progress.

If you have any thoughts in this area please offer them.

Thanks be to God!


  1. I have been reflecting a lot on living a Resurrected life, but I've never thought about that in connection with the seasons of our life.
    I don't think I'll be much help to you because I don't really feel that I'm a 'deep thinker' so it's easier for me to think of everything in simple terms. I sometimes will pick up books on developing a closer relationship with God and I get lost, it's just so beyond my comprehension.
    For me, I've just been trying to make sure I don't live an independent life away from Christ. I try not to live in doubt and I try to remember to offer ordinary, everyday moments of my life to God's Glory (which in turn helps me to make better decisions), but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I fail miserably a lot of the time.
    I do think God Will Guide you, He Will Lead you to where He means for you to be in this reflection.
    All the best,

  2. I wonder if another analogy would from nature would be that of a seed: produced, planted, and nourished by God to grow and mature in order to fulfill His purpose for us?

  3. On reflection I realize I am in the autumn of my life, spring and summer brought many challenges, ah but the autumn has been very kind to me, always there are challenges but lessons learned through other seasons brings much patience and understanding......:-) Hugs

  4. Good morning Cathy! First of all, thank you for coming to visit us at the play! It brings back fond memories of when I did my first play and you participated. What fun that was. On your topic of resurrection, I truly believe that resurrection is part of our daily lives; in my fourth grade class, one of the first things I make clear to my students is that we are going to aim for CHANGE of behavior, change of our assumptions about science, math, etc...and we are going to document what we believe now and compare it to what we will become at the end of the me that is resurrection. God built it into our minds and hearts. Jesus demonstrated the ultimate form of resurrection from the harsh reality of physical death, with the eternal spirit prevailing! Change is inevitable and wonderful and PAINFUL, but it is part of our daily lives. Thank you for making me reflect this morning on something that I take for granted. Have a blessed day! Anita


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.