Friday, April 30, 2010

Bad Haiku Friday

It's been a while since I've written any Haiku...and as I reflect on this one I see how really bad it is...

I took a brisk walk
A blustery day indeed
My hair is a sight!

Wishing all a grand weekend in which you can walk briskly, talk adamantly, relax restfully and enjoy greetings with all you meet.

Thanks be to God!

If you wish to join in the fun drop in on Laura at Catholic Teacher's Musings. We do have a grand time.


  1. Ah...the perils of being a nature lover.
    Great bad haiku.

  2. Happy weekend!

  3. Have a wonderful weekend........:-) Hugs

  4. My hair looks a sight and I haven't even been out in the wind today!
    No excuses :)

    Great "bad" Haiku

  5. Sending you my aloha, dearest Cathy! God bless you abundantly!

  6. I gotta start bad haikuing again! (Of course, some folks might say my slug-a-thon fits the bill!)


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.