Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gift Tags

I have paper and bags, tape and scissors.  All is ready to begin The Ceremony of the Wrapping of the Gifts.  All, that is, but gift tags.  I have boxes and boxes of wrapping paper.  Bags full of gift bags.  Tissue paper and scotch tape are in abundance, but not one single GIFT TAG!!!  Now I have to stop and go to the store and get them...What happened to all of them!?!

No, it wasn't the Elf on the Shelf.  He's too cute to be so devilish!  I guess I just used them all last year.  That is a first!!!

Thanks be to God!!!



  1. How annoying! But what a blessing to be infected with the spirit of giving.

  2. Fun post and photo for the season ~ have had the same thing happen ~

    Happy Holidays,
    artmusedog and carol


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