Thursday, May 21, 2020

Roses Are Red

Just after the rain
She cradles water with care
Tender are her ways


I have been enamored  of roses since I was a child.  They always look dainty and elegant. What they don't want to let you know is how how strong they really are.  My dad nursed his roses with tender loving care (along with his begonias).  When it came time to work in the garden in the spring I had my own garden plot in which I was allowed to plant zinnias.  When I was old enough Dad taught me how to prune the roses and then was able to help him. . .I still had the zinnias.  And so my love of roses!

Thanks be to God!


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 



  1. They are beautiful flowers. Especially when they smell nice too.

    God bless, Cathy.

  2. Hello, the roses are beautiful, love the haiku! I also love zinnias. Enjoy your Friday, Happy Memorial Day weekend!

  3. Cathy - a beautiful specimen of a rose, and an even sweeter story with the memories of your Father. As I have been wandering my garden these last few days, I find myself thinking of my Dad and how much he would have liked Montana!

  4. I too have loved roses all my life (as far back as I can remember) I loved reading how you came to learn how to tend roses. My father had a green thumb (but I know his secret...he'd go out in his garden & chew tobacco...spit ...and the plants (both flower & fruits/veggies) would grow & grow. Of course I never got around to chewing. :-)

  5. Roses and rain- two of my favorite things in nature. What a lovely haiku!

  6. Such a wonderful flower and tender memories, love it!

  7. so beautiful! any flower, anywhere...but this memory of you and your father and summer roses-divine!

  8. Tenderness if furled into your hsiju in such a beautiful way
    Happy Sunday



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