Friday, February 12, 2021

A Cardinal Event

Card'nal red

In the midst of icy glare

Sign of hope


This gentleman brightened my day yesterday as we were again confined to home, not because of pandemic but because of the weather.  Though the ice is lovely to see it is Mother Nature's reminder that she is in control and you have to follow her rules.  We were  fortunate that we did not lose power but we were nonetheless careful and followed "Mother's" rules.  Yes, we did!


Thanks be to God!


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!!  



  1. Beautiful winter scene & awesome Haiku (as always).

    You wonder why power outages always come when we need it most? I know why, but still wonder.

  2. Bless your hearts... if it's not one thing keeping you in, it's another. But, spring will come and hopefully the pandemic will be a faint memory and life will go on. Hang in there, friend. Hugs.

  3. Outstanding photo, as I imagine that icy morning was too! Brr!

  4. What a beautiful bird. We don't have them in the UK.

    God bless.

  5. just one bright bird can transform any landscape! may hope reside in your heart like a flame that stays true and loyal through all seasons. you always warm mine! xo

  6. Beautiful wintery scenery, luv the focus of hope

    much love...

  7. Bright punctuation
    To winter's silver sentence--
    Scarlet cardinal

  8. Beautiful photo of the gorgeous male cardinal against Mother Nature's wintry frost ~ lovely haiku ~

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. This is such a gorgeous photo Cathy! And your haiku and commentary are wonderful to receive. Stay cozy warm as you follow the Mother's rules and share this hope with us all!

  10. Mother nature rules in the Netherlands too, but she doesn't send such beautiful birds... oh, that's not true, there are other birds here living in the big Oak tree and those are beautiful too (but not red...) Hang in there sweetie, Spring will come! Big hug from Holland!

  11. Pretty Cardinal, love the poem. We may have some icy weather coming later today.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you! Take care, happy weekend!

  12. Beautiful signs of hope are always welcome!


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.