Showing posts with label Saint Therese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Therese. Show all posts

Friday, October 02, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

Humble is the heart
That never quite gets is right
But keeps on trying.

Image of Saint Therese
Brother Claude Lane, O.S.B.

On this feast of my patron saint, Saint Therese of Lisieux I would offer these words of hers for reflection.

It seems to me that if a little flower could speak, it would tell simply what God has done for it without trying to hide its blessing. It would not say, under the pretext of a false humility it is not beautiful or without perfume, that the sun had taken away its [splendor] and the storm has broken its stem when it know that all this is untrue.

I often reflect on the gift of humility and find that being truly humble is one of life's most difficult tasks. Humility requires of us honesty and acceptance of who we are. We must try to know ourselves. It is so hard to look inward, because some days it is not a pleasant sight. It becomes a sight we try to avoid. Well, take a look! Yes, there are flaws! But the beauty in the flaws is that even in them there is a love so powerful that when we accept it we too can see the signs of perfection there because God made us! And that is why He loves us!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks be to God!