Sometimes, during my hours of prayer, I picture myself as a piece of stone before a sculpture who intends to make a statue our of it. Presenting myself like this before the Lord, I beg him to form form in my soul his perfect image and make me wholly like Christ. ~Brother Lawrence~
I'm having...Good Earth decaf original tea. It has such a wonderful aroma and it tastes so very good.
My teacup... one of
is my favorite cup.
I'm feeling... energized. We started a new upgrade for the computers at work yesterday and after some initial glitches that were resolved the day went rather well. Looking forward to todays adventure!
On my mind...Bible Study tonight and and RCIA presentation the needs some revisions. Have an entire weekend to work on this so it should be good.
Please join Ruth at
Tea Talk today.
Today I also join Meri for
Share the Joy Thursday. For I believe we need to find it in my life every day no matter the realities in which we live. God is Good in so many ways even in times of trial.
We had a lovely gentle rain last night. None of those high winds and branches being blown from the trees kind of rains. Just the earth pampering rain. It's been a long time since we've had one of them.
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks be to God!