Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Gift of Friendship

The Neighbors
by John Geoge Brown
Rhonda, Fay, Kay, Martha and I have on a number of individual occasions, when we were much younger, joked about growing old together and sitting on the front porch with nothing to do but rock in our chairs and chat. This picture evokes such memories. I first saw this picture at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta when we went to visit Jimmy.

When these dear friends and family and I shared this hope I really did not picture myself as anything but my youthful self sitting on that porch...but then I look in the mirror and the truth is revealed. I may only feel 40 on the inside but on the outside greater "maturity" is revealed.

Why this talk of friendship? I don't think this is Best Friend week, but I could be wrong. I speak of friendship now for a couple of reasons. First, all the above friends no longer live close enough to sit on that front porch, though we do chat. Then, I reflected on what it has been like to have lost a dear friend to death, who you just knew would "live forever", and the void, unfilled yet, by her absence.

Then, last night, Fay and I had a chat. Pete has been very ill again and yesterday they found he has pneumonia. She and I would agree that this was a time when we needed to talk and again we would both agree that somehow I listened to the promptings of the Master to make that call.

On the other hand, I dropped the ball yesterday, when I realized, too late, that I had missed Martha's birthday. OOPs! And only the day before she had sent me a card telling me how thoughtful I am. OUCH! This too will be rectified.

Kay and I, with Allen and Ron along for the ride, will visit soon for a chat over dinner...That's when we do our BEST chatting.

And...then I read this reflection by Henri J. M. Nouwen.

Friends and Their Limitations
We need friends. Friends guide us, care for us, confront us in love, console us in times of pain. Although we speak of "making friends," friends cannot be made. Friends are free gifts from God. But God gives us the friends we need when we need them if we fully trust in God's love.
Friends cannot replace God. They have limitations and weaknesses like we have. Their love is never faultless, never complete. But in their limitations they can be sign-posts on our journey toward the unlimited and unconditional love of God. Let's enjoy the friends God has sent on our way."

So now I see that my "front porch" has been replaced by just making sure these special people continue to be a part of my life by simply connecting with them; connecting with those beautiful women with whom I share my faith life every Tuesday evening; bonding with my Bible Study groups and sharing the love of God; meeting or "chatting" with faraway friends whenever the need arises; making those family calls to chat whether online text messaging (which is a lot of fun) or by phone just to hear their voices; and most importantly making sure those "chats" with the Lord, whether in prayer or with your faith community, be on the TOP of our BEST FRIENDS list.

Finally, knowing and accepting that I am not the perfect friend I'd like to be is part of my journey. I forget to say thank you, put off calls I know I should make, and forget birthdays sometimes...but even with these flaws I know I am loved by God and those Dear Friends and Family he has sent to me.

Thanks Be To GOD!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Another Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow!

This treasure is call: A Catholic Woman's Book of Days by Amy Welborn. She offers daily meditations that are short and thought provoking. Even bring back memories of times past. Today's was especially personal to me because I have walked in her shoes. How about you?

"A certain Woman named Lydia, a worshiper of God, was listening to us; she was from the city of Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul." Acts 16:14

Amy says, "None of my babies have been good sleepers. When they're little, I see a lot of the middle of the night. What always fascinates me is the quiet. It's so still that when a train passes on tracks two miles away, it sounds as if it is in our backyard. I suppose this shows me that there's a lot more noise out there during the day than I realize.

When we pray, we may be convinced that we're listening to God. But are we? Or have we just grown so accustomed to the continual drone that we don't even know it's there, muffling, and distorting God's voice? And then we're startled when God's voice resounds like a train through the night, unfamiliar but at last unmistakeable, and we must, like Lydia, open our hearts and listen eagerly.


Loving God, help me really quiet myself and listen.


I can really identify...4 of the 5 children didn't sleep through the night until they were about 2 years old. And then when the youngest did, I couldn't sleep for fear something was the matter with her. So the middle of the night on many occasions has been a time of prayer for me. I also know that I do indeed talk too much and there are so many times the only time the Lord can get a "word in edgewise" is when I am asleep. Then He wakes me to show me the way...He truly knows the way for us all...We just have to "awaken" to it!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

National Day of Prayer

Thursday evening there will be a gathering of those coming together, in the Newburgh community, for a celebration of The National Day of Prayer. We will come together at St. John the Baptist to share a meal and then share time in prayer.

I would ask those who read this to come and share in this time of prayer for our Nation and it's leaders.
If you cannot join us, where ever you may be, seek those who will gather in prayer and join them.
Prayer is a lifeline that has in its very being hope that from it will come love, joy, and peace for all peoples and nations, especially those who live within our borders.
Prayers are answered, but only if offered.
God Bless you All!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pictures from Astronomy Day and some train pics

Photo of with guest speaker
Nagin Cox from JPL
She worked on the Galileo Mission to Jupiter

Sun spots and solar flares


Weekend Adventure in Astronomy

I've just now had a chance to get to the photos and organize them from last weekend's activity at the Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science. You see they sponsored Astronomy Day. Neil and Roy have been sending rockets into the air since Christmas and Neil is really into astronomy in a big way so we spent the day with Roy and Neil at the Museum. (Lest you think the girls were avoiding us, Kellie had dance and Laura is finishing up her final papers for her MA).

At any rate there was a lot to do. Neil got to see sun spots (and so did I). Drop a raw egg, genly padded with balloons and tape off the museum's 2nd story balcony and find to his surprise it didn't break as others were not so fortunate. Ron was in "heaven" talking astronomy and meteorites ( is giving a talk at the society on them). And the guest speaker had wonderful pictures from Jupiter as she worked on the Galileo project. It was quite a day!!!

And night as Ron, Neil and Roy met with the astronomers to look at the stars and planets...

As an added attraction we spent some time at the train museum, but didn't get to see the LST anchored in the Ohio...That's for another weekend. So here are some pictures I hope you will enjoy.