Monday, March 19, 2018

Tagbha, A Place of Miracles

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

Tabgha is an area not far from Caphernaum and within this area is the Mount of Beatitudes, as well as, the two churches here.

Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves

Interior garden of the church

The altar over the stone on which Jesus was to have stood to feed the multitude.
Mark 6:34-44

Church of Peter's Primacy

A place venerated As the place where Jesus fed his disciples after the Resurrection.  It is suggested that Jesus wanted to have breakfast with his disciples that he had physically risen from the dead. (John 21: 1-14)

 And so I walked down to the Sea of Galilee where countless pilgrims have walked and tried to envision the multitude that was fed that day, not 80 as we were, but a multitude. 

For the Lord Most High is awesome
the great King over all the earth.
Psalm 47: 2

So it is that next week we begin our journey from Palm Sunday to the cross on Calvary with our Lord.  Then we celebrate with great Alleluias on Easter Sunday with our Risen Lord!!

Thanks be to God!


Please join me for Mosaic Monday, Through My Lens, Travel Tuesday, and Our World Tuesday.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


O tranquility
Beautiful serenity
Rests on the water

Thanks be to God


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Capharnaum, the Town of Jesus

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

When Jesus began his ministry he chose Capharnaum (Capernaum) as his home.  He would set out from here on his journeys healing and teaching around the Sea of Galilee.  It is here that he taught in the synagogue.

The went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach.  The people were amazed at his teaching because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.  (Mark 1: 21-22)

Dated to the 5th century

. . .the synagogue, [is] dated to the fifth century AD by the coins and pottery found at the floor level of its wall. . .Many scholars agree that this synagogue stands on top of a basalt synagogue that goes back to the first century AD. It is almost certain that this earlier synagogue was the very synagogue that Jesus and his followers attended and the one where our Lord spoke about himself as the bread of life (John 6:59).    Come and See: A Catholic Guide to the Holy Land, by Rev. Charles Samson, SSL

Ruins of the City

The Church of Saint Peter

The Church of Saint Peter in Capharnaum is built over Saint Peter's home in such a way that the ruins are still visible.  It was remarkable.

On leaving the synagogue he entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John.  Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a fever.  They immediately told him about her.  He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up.  Then the fever left her and she waited on them. (Mark 1: 29-31)

It was amazing to walk where Peter lived.  The town where he and his family lived and walked the streets and worshiped together.  Oh, the wonder of it all!

Thanks be to God!!


Please join me for Mosaic Monday, Through My Lens, Travel Tuesday, and Our World Tuesday.

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Mount of Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

View of the Sea of Galilee from the Mount of Beatitudes

Church of the Beatitudes

The Church of the Beatitudes is located on a small hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee, the site where Jesus taught (Matthew 5:1-12.  This hill has been a destination for pilgrims since the 4th century.  The church was built between 1936 and 1938 over the ruins of a Byzantine church. 

 Mass that day was celebrated outside overlooking the Sea of Galilee.  It was windy and I couldn't help but wonder if it were windy the day our Lord was teaching.
The Sea of Galilee

Our boat tour of the Sea of Galilee was uneventful but it's beauty is incomparable.  You can see from the flags that the wind had not subsided after our visit to The Mount.  Just imagine all the fisherman casting their nets hoping for a good catch.  Then imagine Peter and Andrew tending their nets when Jesus calls them by name.  Then, too, he sees James and his brother John, offered the invitation and they too left their nets and followed him.  (Matthew 4: 18-24).  I have been called by name, I must follow.  It's not an easy journey, but trusting in the Master these men followed, so I must follow too.

Thanks be to God!


Thursday, March 01, 2018

O Spring

Hope springs eternal
And Spring comes to those who hope
And roses will bloom

There’s one certainty
Whether sunshine or in rain
It’s always welcomed

Thanks be to God!


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Mount Carmel

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

There is so much to learn about every place you visit in the Holy Land.  And just when you think you know there's nothing else to learn you learn something else.  Mount Carmel was that way for me.  I thought it was only a holy site because it was where the Carmelite order was begun in the twelfth century.  Well there is so much more.  More that I can write here.  So I challenge you to learn what you can on your own.

In Hebrew Mount Carmel means God's vineyard and in Arabic Mount Saint Elijah.  In the book of Joshua Asher's land allotment reaches to Carmel on the West.  During the reign of Ahab Elijah challenges the prophets off Baal and calls down fire to consume the sacrifice. . .Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel and prayed seven times this clouds appeared bringing rain.

Elijah's Cave

Church of Stella Maris

Shortly after the creation of the Carmelite Order in the twelfth century a monastery was built on the mount with a church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Star of the Sea.  It is a beautiful church.  We were privileged to celebrate Mass in the chapel there.

Chapel of Stella Maris

Finally, in twentieth century the Bah'is Faith built a Shrine to the Bab (mausoleum).  It was begun in 1901 and was completed in 1953,  It is beautiful to see and was called The Hanging Gardens by our guide.

I think that's enough for today.  There is so much more to share and I'm excited to do so, but I'm still trying to assimilate all the information I was given.  It will be easier to share if I do.  

Thanks be to God!


Please join me at  Through My Lens, Travel TuesdayOur World Tuesday and Mosaic Monday.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Holy Is His Name

From the Church of the Nativity, Bethlemem


Holy Child of God
Held gently by his mother
Heaven came to earth

Earth behold the Child
The Word made flesh among us
Tender is the night


It should be said that my visit to the Church of the Nativity this week has left me without words to describe this place of beauty.  To be where the Christ child was born, held tenderly by his mother and know as a mother what concerns she had about his growing up touched me deeply.  The mother of our Savior suffered exile, hardship, and witnessed the terrible death of her Son.  A true woman of courage.  

Thanks be to God!!


Please visit recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Caesarea Maritima, City of Herod the Great

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

A beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea

Herod the Great acquired the site of this former Phoenician naval harbor in 30 BC.  He built a palace, hippodrome and coliseum.  As I understand it he was also the first to use concrete for the first time to  build underwater breakwaters.  It's an interesting place to visit and a testament to what can be built when you have the money to do so.  This site was dedicated in honor of his patron Caesar Augustus.

A tour of the Holy Land is a magnificent experience.  It is difficult to tell you all I've seen in the last 4 days.  There is so much history, religious and secular, that I'm not surprised there have been so many books written about it.  There will be ore later!  

Thanks be to God!

Please join me at  Through My Lens, Travel TuesdayOur World Tuesday and Mosaic Monday.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Sorrowful Journey Haiku

Jesus meets his mother
The Way of the Cross
St Mary-of-the Woods, IN

The way of sorrow
A journey long and painful
The Savior consoles

Tenderness and love
Through all the tears and anguish
He always prevails

Thanks be to God!

 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sojourn to the Holy Land

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson
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Sanctuary of Our lady of Fatima

 Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes

Nearly a year ago we were on pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and Lourdes.  I didn't think I could be more excited about a trip than I was for that one, but I was wrong.  I'm really excited about this sojourn.

I'm nearly organized.  Getting things together I want to be sure we take with us.  You know, the passport, tickets, tour book, lenten reading and, of course, the knitting.  These are LONG flights and this is a way to relax.  Then, our kids surprised  us with the most beautiful prayer shawl and yarmulke for our trip to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.  Oh my, yes I am excited.

Thanks be to God!


Please join me at  Through My Lens, Travel TuesdayOur World Tuesday and Mosaic Monday.

Friday, February 09, 2018

Quiet Stroll Haiku

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN

Time with Providence
A gentle walk in the Woods
Stroll with the Master


Thanks be to God!!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Memory of a Short Visit to Lisbon

A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

Jerónimos Monastery
Lisbon, Portugal

We were only in Lisbon for a few hours before we left for Fatima.  But while we were there we were able to see some very memorable sites.  The monument to Henry the Navigator was incredible.  We were able to tour the Church of Santa Maria that is part of Jeronimos Monastery.  The view of the city was inspiring.  I do love history and Portugal's is most interesting.

Relief of Henry the Navigator Monument

Thanks be to God!


Friday, February 02, 2018

Waiting on the Tarmac

Liberty International Airport
Newark, NJ

Airplanes are waiting
With New York City skyline
Resting on tarmac

Eager to fly high
Oh, the anticipation
Waiting to begin


In 10 short days the journey to the Holy Land begins and again we'll be flying through Newark.  You can see the skyline of New York City and the Statue of Liberty from there and it is most impressive.  I have to quell my enthusiasm for this trip.  I still have to WAIT!  I am grateful for the gift of travel and for this opportunity to yet again be a pilgrim.

Thanks be to God!!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

From the Creator's Palate

Sunrise in Rocky Mountain National Parks

Today I found this wonderful post and so I'm linking to it.  It's Our World Tuesday.  Please enjoy!  I have!

Thanks be to God!


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Seeking Peace

When we have once placed ourselves entirely in the hands of God, we need fear no evil.  If adversity comes, he knows how to turn it to our advantage by means which will in time be made clear to us.
~~St. Vincent de Paul


So why do I allow anxiety to rule my life?  Only God knows!!  And again I start over.  I must keep try seeking the peace offered by my Savior.

Thanks be to God!


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Riches of Rome, The Pantheon

The Pantheon is a magnificent church.  Once a pagan temple, now a beautiful place of Christian worship.  Built around AD 110 it is another Roman treasure.

Marble, black and rose
Marble cold in gray and green
Velvety beauty

Standing in the round
This stunning ancient beauty
It leaves me in awe


Thanks be to God!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Romantic Sea Coast

Amalfi coast, Italy

Beautiful blue bay
Glorious coastal mountains
Romantic vistas

Thanks be to God!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima

Nearly a year ago Ron and I made a pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes with some wonderful stops along the way.  We traveled from Portugal through Spain to Lourdes in France and back to Spain before we journeyed home again.  It was a treasured journey.  

Our first stop was at Fatima and though it was cold and rainy the beauty of this place is just indescribable!  There is so much to see and such a quiet place in which I could contemplate.  There was no stress of crowds as we were there two months before the beginning of the centennial. 

Another stop along the way was a stop by Avila.  It was amazing to walk the streets of this medieval fortress town that was also the home of St. Teresa of Avila and where she and St. John of the Cross collaborated. 

Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our days at Lourdes were also quiet and reflective.  A quaint town where this peasant girl was blessed by a visit by the Blessed Virgin. We did a candlelight procession praying the rosary.  Unforgettable for me was praying the Way of the Cross.  

 I was and still am in awe of these Holy Places.  And my admiration for the courage of the Saints who have walked here is a wonderful reminder that I. too, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. can strive toward holiness. as well.  There is nothing I can say that can compare to the experience you will have if you are privileged to travel there.  

And now with only 4 weeks until we leave for the Holy Land I have to say I am very excited.  We arrive on Ash Wednesday and I cannot think of a better way to begin Lent and my journey to the holiest day of the year, the day of Our Lord's resurrection.

Thanks be to God!!


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Memories of Camp St Malo

The Chapel on the Rock
(Officially St. Catherine of Siena Chapel)
Allenpark, Colorado

Early Fall Ron and I took our annual trip to the "promised land" in Colorado.  With the  companionship of our family we went to places we hadn't gone in years.  One of those places was Camp St. Malo.  It's a beautiful place, quiet, tranquil and so close to heaven.  

When I was a kid we'd have an annual trek to the camp for a family picnic.  Dad, who as a kid himself had gone to camp here would revel in the memories of the times he had here.  I just remember those wonderful meals with Dad, Mom, my sister, brothers and the Aunts and Pat.  (Aunt Mary's potato salad was amazing.)

Then, too, I was reminded that Pope Saint John Paul II came here for quiet time when he was there in 1993. 
DENVER — With rosary beads, a new pair of white sneakers with yellow laces and a book of poetry, a beaming Pope John Paul II strode high into the Rocky Mountains on Friday for a rare day off.
The break in the Pope's visit to his church's World Youth Day ceremonies here was uncharacteristic, but it was long planned at the suggestion of Denver Archbishop J. Francis Stafford.
On a warm cloudy day, John Paul--who has a lifelong love for the outdoors and for mountains in particular--walked in his white cassock at an altitude of nearly 10,000 feet near Estes Park north of Denver.
"He hiked, and therefore rested. He prayed and he read. I think he was very, very happy," said papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro, who accompanied the Pope on a two-hour walk before lunch. John Paul donned the size 11 sneakers that were a gift from local children, who also provided a blue warm-up jacket and a walking stick. (Los Angeles Times)

I treasure the moments I've had in MY promised land.  So I begin preparation for our journey to the Holy Land in February.  Unlike most trips I prepare for there is more to do than just pack the suitcases and make sure I have the tickets and passports.  I want to travel with a real purpose.   Walking in the footsteps of our Lord.  And so my preparation has begun by rereading Father James Martin's book, Jesus: A Pilgrimage.

And so my preparation begins.