Thursday, December 20, 2007

Proclamation from a Saint...

Guardian Angel

"Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you."--St. Francis de Sales

(Doctor of the Church and known as the "gentleman saint")


For His gifts and treasures, thanks be to God.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The father of John the Baptist...

From The Little Blue Book:

The angel Gabriel said to Zechariah, "Do not be
afraid, because your prayer has been heard. Your
wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall
name him John. And you will have joy and gladness,
any many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be
great in the sight of the Lord. . .He will be filled
with the Holy spirit even from his mother's womb.
~Luke 1:5-25~

*Zechariah was one of approximately 18,000 Jewish priest in Palestine at the time of Jesus. They were divided into 24 groups of 750 each. Twice a year each group came to the Temple in Jerusalem to serve for a week. Their roles during this week of service were chose by lot. Some of them, in a given week, weren't chosen to do anything.

*Each morning, four lots were cast to decide who would carry out the four tasks at the altar. Then in the afternoon, a fifth lot was cast to determine who would enter the Holy Place to offer the evening incense. This extraordinary privilege usually came only once in a lifetime.

*In Luke's account, when the afternoon lot was cast, Zechariah was chosen to enter the Holy Place and offer the evening incense. It was there that the angel appeared to him to announce the birth of John.

*The angel tells Zechariah that his prayer has been heard. In the story leading up to this point, Luke hadn't told us what Zechariah was praying for. Now we know. He had been praying for Israel, of course, as a Jewish priest would do. But he and Elizabeth, unrealistic though it may e seemed because of their advanced years, had also been praying for a child.

*Three times in Luke we hear angels say, "do not be afraid"--to Zechariah here, to Mary at the Annunciation, and to the shepherds in the field. In Luke's Gospel, Jesus will also say those same words five time during his public life.

**Anything in particular you'd really like to pray for?
**Anything going on in your life that has you scared?
**God is saying to you: "Do not be afraid."


For the comfort and encouragement given, thanks be to God.

Whatever you do, do it ASAP!

Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P.? Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we think of this
abbreviation in a different manner, we will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way.


There's work to do, deadlines to meet;

You've got no time to


But as you hurry and scurry-


In the midst of family chaos,

"Quality time" is rare.

Do your best; let God do the rest-


It may seem like your worries

Are more than you can bear.

Slow down and take a breather-


God knows how stressful life is;

He wants to ease our cares,

And He'll respond to all your needs



Just had to save this message from Maggie...and this is the best place to do that!!! Wishing all a GOOD DAY!!!

And thanks be to God!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How long is Advent...

This is the title of an interesting section in The Little Blue Book distributed to us on the First Sunday of Advent at church. The Little Blue Book is based on the writings of Bishop Ken Untener who was inspired to create the Little Books for the people of his Diocese of Saginaw. Since his death in 2004 The Little Books have been a legacy carried on by Catherine Haven with the help of Sr. Nancy Ayotte, IHM. The book is full of wonderful reflection and instruction. This was yesterday's entry.

How long is Advent?

Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before December 25. It always has four Sundays, but the total number of days can vary. For example:
*If Christmas falls on Monday, then Advent last three weeks and a day.
*If Christmas falls on a Sunday, Advent lasts four full weeks


Regardless of when Advent begins, every year the same Scripture reading are used for weekdays from December 17-24. The Gospels on those days describe the events leading up to the birth of Christ:

**December 17: The genealogy of Jesus (Matthew)
**December 18: The annunciation to Joseph (Matthew)
**December 19: The annunciation to Zechariah (Luke)
**December 20: The annunciation of Mary (Luke)
**December 21: Mary's visit to Elizabeth (Luke)
**December 22: Mary's "Magnificat" (Luke
**December 23: The birth of John the Baptist (Luke)
**December 24: The "Benedictus" of Zechariah (Luke)


It's a map for the journey to Bethlehem. Isn't it great to have a "AAA Trip tick" set forth by the church for this journey? Isn't it funny that I had to have this itinerary pointed out to me? (Shaking my head!) The Church certainly knows how to give a wonderful guided tour!

Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Peace on Earth

Here it is the 3rd Sunday of Advent! God has blessed me in so many ways. Yesterday another birthday came and went. In gratitude, I thank God for my health, family, friends and the opportunity to live another day in His love. Today, I am still praying for peace on this HIS earth. So this I offer to you as it was offered to me and the members of St. John the Baptist Church of Newburgh.


Provident God, aware of my own brokenness,
I ask the gift of courage to identify how and where
I am in need of conversion in order to live in
solidarity with all Earth's people.
Deliver me from the violence of superiority and disdain..
Grant me the desire, and the humility, to listen
special care to those whose experiences
and attitudes are different from my own.
Deliver me from the violence of greed and privilege.
Grant me the desire, and the will, to live
so other may have their just share of the Earth's resources.
Deliver me from the silence that gives consent
to abuse, war, and evil.

Grant me the desire, and courage, to risk speaking
and acting for the common good.
Deliver me from the violence of irreverence,
exploitation and control.
Grant me the desire, and the strength, to act
responsibly within the cycle of
God of love, mercy and justice,
Acknowledging my complicity in those attitudes,
actions and words which perpetuate violence,
I beg the grace of a non-violent heart.
Sisters of Providence

St. Mary-of-the-Woods,
Terre Haute, Indiana

Because of His abundance of graces given
to me at all time, I say, "Thanks be to God!"