Monday, March 10, 2008

"Listening as Spiritual Hospitality"

When I visited Poetry, Prayer and Praise the other day, I was reminded of a wonderful book by Henri J. M. Nouwen call Bread for the Journey--A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith. I have used this book for reflection for a number of years and go back to it frequently. I'm not sure I ever finished it because like all books like this I tend to skip the calendar day I missed and go on to the present date. Well, I picked it up today and this was the reflection offered me. A reflection on "listening." That means, "Be quiet, Cathy, I have something to say!"

To listen is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer need to prove ourselves by speeches, argument, statements, or declarations. True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence know. They are free to receive, to welcome, to accept.

Listening is much more than allowing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying full attention to other and welcoming them into our very beings. The beauty of listening is that those who are listened to start feeling accepted, start taking their words more seriously and discovering their true selves. Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality by which you invite strangers to become friends , to get to know their inner selves more fully, and even to dare to be silent with you.

I fear that I am not a very good listener. No, I so want to make my point that I fail to "hear" the inspirations of others...And silence to me is frightening. I feel the "need" to communicate something, anything instead of being silent.

So, at the risk to my pride, I ask for instruction on being "quiet" and being a good listener...PLEASE! It's never too late to learn.

Thanks be to God!

One of my favorite parables...

As I read this reflection this morning I thought of how at one time or another in my life I have been the seed described in this lesson by Jesus as written in the Gospel of Mark.

Women in the Garden

Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding. Let any one with ears to hear, listen.
Mark 4:1-9

In the beginning, God created--formed us from rich, red earth. Created in God's own image, we are good earth, God's earth. God speaks like falling seeds and rain. "I have made you, you are mine. I am your Rock and Redeemer. I will bless you and be merciful."

Jesus, the Good Seed, is scattered into us. Listen, he says, listen! "Your faith has made you whole. Your sins are forgiven. I have come for sinners. I am the resurrection and the life."

Sometimes our good soil is trampled by heavy traffic and the seeds of love are snatched away. Sometimes there are hard and rocky places and tender plants of trust wither. Sometimes our good soil is overgrown with other demands, responsibilities, spirits, or messages and there is no room for Jesus. Always there is good soil where the cross and Jesus are planted, surrounded by a brilliant array of flower and fruits. The garden is lavish, abundant and ready to be given to others. We live in God's garden of good seed and good soil. We are in the middle of a spectrum of hearty plants that stretch to every horizon.

Spirit of God, cultivate our good soil and give a bumper crop that others may share in all your good gifts.

Eleanore Sudbrock


It seems that my analogy of the "gathering of the fruits and nuts" yesterday was not too far off. We are to BE the fruits of our labors and a gift of thanksgiving to Our Father, through His Son, Jesus!

Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dessert and More...

I thought of two things this morning when I was baking desert for after tonight's Bible Study . First, that this group of 12 dedicated people gather each week to share their thoughts and love of the Gospel. And in the center of the table is always dried fruit and nuts and lots of water (I'm not saying we are a verbose group, but it's not all salted nuts). Second, that the desserts invariably have fruit in them...thus, a gathering of fruits and nuts...

Any way, I am going to share with you tonight's "fruit desert" because it's easy and it is really good!!!

It's from a wonderful cookbook called Delightfully Southern Recipes by Lucy M. Clark.

Mandarin Orange Refrigerator Cake

1 Box Duncan Hines yellow butter cake mix 1 can Mandarin oranges, drained and chopped
4 eggs Icing (recipe follows)
1/2 cup Crisco oil

Combine eggs, oil and cake mix until moistened. Beat about 4 minutes on medium speed. Fold in Mandarin oranges. Bake in 3 layers at 350 degrees [according to box directions] until done .
(I bake it in a 9"x13" baking dish,)

1 small box instant vanilla pudding mix 1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple,
1 (12-ounce) carton Cool Whip, thawed well drained

Combine ingredients and ice cake layers, top and sides. Keep refrigerated.

Finally, I leave you with this bit of wisdom at the end of the page, "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the harvest of love." God bless you all this and every day!!

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Wonders of God's Hand

From the ice storm in February,

to the snow we that was sent our way yesterday,

I find that two Friends have sent me "spring flowers".

Esther at A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and Marie from A View From the Pews have graciously given me this great friend award. I have met some tremendous people since I started this adventure nearly a year ago. I have been affirmed, guided, educated and I have laughed along the way! Thanks so much to you all. But I would like to add a special thank you to my daughter-in-law Kelly at Musings, for assisting me in starting this effort and would like to offer this award to her first. Thank you, Kelly, for your example and grace, sense of humor and gift for writing. As for those other gifted and talented friends I would like to add these who have shared much with me in friendship.

Oh, And...This
Eileen on Him...At Least, I Try!
...UKOK's Place...
Are We There Yet
Christ's Rose
Contemplative Haven asylum for your refugee soul
La Dolce Vita: The Good Life with Three Sons
And one for good measure!
Mommy of Four


Thanks be to God!!

Must add an addendum: While visiting UKOK I found that she had gifted me as well with these lovely flowers so to her I say, "Many Thanks!"

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Kellie and Winter Guard...

Tonight Ron and I were able to go to an exhibition of the Memorial High School Winter Guard, Drum Line, and Cadet Guard. Kellie was part of the Guard during Marching Band season. When one of the girls broke her foot early in Winter Guard, Kellie was asked to perform with them. Quite an honor for an 8th grader.

I tried to video with the digital camera but apparently I was not able to tape the entire performance of either the Cadet or High School Winter Guard. They both end abruptly, but you can see most of the Winter Guard's performance. I was trying, like any good grandmother, to keep Kellie in the frame. I was pretty successful I think, but all the girls are very talented. They have been competing weekly now for the last 5 weeks with their final performance to be this weekend, barring any bad weather.

The music is Phantasmagoria.

We were grateful for the chance to see them perform. And we wish them success this weekend!

For being a grandma I say,
Thanks be to God!