Showing posts with label goodness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goodness. Show all posts

Sunday, March 01, 2009


God's love is total, unconditional, absolute and forever. The state of grace--God's attiugde toward us--is eternal. We are the ones who change.

Sometimes we are able to believe that God loves us unconditionally, absolutely and forever. That's grace! And sometimes because we get down on ourselves, and carry guilt and fear and burdens, we are not able to believe that God loves us. Biblically, that's the greatest sin: not to believe the good news, not to accept the unconditional love of God. When we no longer believe God loves us, we can no longer love ourselves. We have to allow God to continually fill us. Then we find in our own lives the power to give love away.
Radical Grace, Daily Medications
by Richard Rohr, O.F.M.

So let it be for us this Lent, to accept that love, that grace. Spend time realizing that you have value not just to God alone. But because of his love, you have value to others. Share that giftedness! Share that wealth of love from God! Fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God. YOU are GOOD! You have such value he was willing to die for you! To deny your goodness is to refuse the most valuable gift you can ever receive. Accept your holiness.


Thanks be to God!

Monday, March 10, 2008

One of my favorite parables...

As I read this reflection this morning I thought of how at one time or another in my life I have been the seed described in this lesson by Jesus as written in the Gospel of Mark.

Women in the Garden

Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding. Let any one with ears to hear, listen.
Mark 4:1-9

In the beginning, God created--formed us from rich, red earth. Created in God's own image, we are good earth, God's earth. God speaks like falling seeds and rain. "I have made you, you are mine. I am your Rock and Redeemer. I will bless you and be merciful."

Jesus, the Good Seed, is scattered into us. Listen, he says, listen! "Your faith has made you whole. Your sins are forgiven. I have come for sinners. I am the resurrection and the life."

Sometimes our good soil is trampled by heavy traffic and the seeds of love are snatched away. Sometimes there are hard and rocky places and tender plants of trust wither. Sometimes our good soil is overgrown with other demands, responsibilities, spirits, or messages and there is no room for Jesus. Always there is good soil where the cross and Jesus are planted, surrounded by a brilliant array of flower and fruits. The garden is lavish, abundant and ready to be given to others. We live in God's garden of good seed and good soil. We are in the middle of a spectrum of hearty plants that stretch to every horizon.

Spirit of God, cultivate our good soil and give a bumper crop that others may share in all your good gifts.

Eleanore Sudbrock


It seems that my analogy of the "gathering of the fruits and nuts" yesterday was not too far off. We are to BE the fruits of our labors and a gift of thanksgiving to Our Father, through His Son, Jesus!

Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Thought for the Day...

I have read this before, but today I feel the need to share this offering sent me by a friend. Please read it and reflect on it, for it truly is a wonderful analogy!!!

"He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."
Malachi 3:3

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where
the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.' She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time.

The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'

He smiled at her and answered, 'Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it.'

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire , remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you

Thanks be to God!