Sunday, March 01, 2009


God's love is total, unconditional, absolute and forever. The state of grace--God's attiugde toward us--is eternal. We are the ones who change.

Sometimes we are able to believe that God loves us unconditionally, absolutely and forever. That's grace! And sometimes because we get down on ourselves, and carry guilt and fear and burdens, we are not able to believe that God loves us. Biblically, that's the greatest sin: not to believe the good news, not to accept the unconditional love of God. When we no longer believe God loves us, we can no longer love ourselves. We have to allow God to continually fill us. Then we find in our own lives the power to give love away.
Radical Grace, Daily Medications
by Richard Rohr, O.F.M.

So let it be for us this Lent, to accept that love, that grace. Spend time realizing that you have value not just to God alone. But because of his love, you have value to others. Share that giftedness! Share that wealth of love from God! Fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God. YOU are GOOD! You have such value he was willing to die for you! To deny your goodness is to refuse the most valuable gift you can ever receive. Accept your holiness.


Thanks be to God!


  1. This is a good post with a great verse from Habakkuk. God's grace to you this day and in this season of Lent. ~Suz.

  2. Hello GrandmaK! Thanks for visiting my blog! You have such an inspirational site. God is great and bless you for speaking out in blogland.

    Que notre Seigneur Jesus Christ vous bénisse! Anita

  3. =sigh= perfect.

    Blessings! And did I answer you back to tell you that you are in our Lenten prayers, Cathy? You're always such an inspiration to me. Love and Prayers, Lisa (and gang)

  4. Oh I love this post, Cathy!!! I believe every word of it!:-) I know you do because your posts reflect this attitude!

    Cathy, I featured Fr. John Speekman on my blog, a Tribute to Our Priests. I know you will appreciate his response on prayer. Please come and visit and leave a message. He would be delighted to hear from you! Thanks so much!

  5. And excellent lesson for us during Lent!

  6. Beautiful!
    My mother's name was Grace...
    Thanks for your visit..

  7. "we are not able to believe that God loves us. Biblically, that's the greatest sin:"

    I was reflecting on this the other day and when asked many say that murder is the greatest sin...NO! Despair is the greatest sin, to think that God's Love is not equal to one's pain and then to despair of receiving God's forgiveness, that IS the greatest sin.

    Wonderful quotes and reflections thanks Cathy:)

    Peace, JOY & Love to you:)

    Marie xooxoxoox


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