Friday, April 04, 2008

Words of Wisdom...

Dorchester, Oxfordshire,
Abbey of SS. Peter and Paul
by gordonplumb

I took out a book I had gotten as a gift a couple of year ago and was browsing...(Yes, I browse more than the computer.) It is a book published by Hallmark and it is called, God's Little Instruction Book. I came upon these words.

Blessed is he who, having nothing to say,
refrains from giving wordy evidence
of the fact.

It was accompanied by this Scripture verse.

The tongue of the wise uses knowledge aright:
but the mouth of fools pours out
Proverbs 15:2

Feeling certain that browsing usually brings me to where I am supposed to be at any given time, I suppose that these words are meant to remind me, again, (as I am often reminded) to think before I speak! There are occasions when I do think, but more often than not I have already said it. Then it is too late to grab those words already floating out in space for all eternity. My only consolation is that they are floating out there with others and maybe they will join in one grander composition of wisdom! You know, a universal effort to be "wise."


Have a grand day
Thanks be to God!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thanks Be to God...

and to all of you for your prayers!!! Laura had her colonoscopy and she apparently has developed ischemic colitis. It is a condition in which there is a limited supply of blood to the area affected and infection has occurred. It is most uncommon in adults her age as it usually happens to older individuals. At any rate the treatment is a round of antibiotics and all should be well. I am so grateful for all your love an prayers!!!

For you all, I say,
"Thanks be to God!"

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Easter Prayer

Risen Lord, Oxford
Picture by Lawrance OP
uploaded 5/17/2007

We sometimes forget that there is more to Easter than the celebration of our Lord's Resurrection Day. In fact, we have the privilege of celebrating it for seven weeks. I was reminded of that as I picked up Fr. Rohr's Radical Grace, Daily Meditations. Here's today's reminder that we should still be having a party!

A Week of Easter Prayers:
Make Us Truly Catholic

God Make us truly catholic people. Make us bearers of the Incarnation. Make us not afraid of life and not afraid of this earth. Make us strive for justice and believe in peace. Make us not afraid of the cross and neither afraid of the Resurrection. Make us, Creator, not afraid of enjoying this world, of celebrating and protecting this world.

Teach us, Jesus, how to do liturgy, how to do life. Teach us, God to continue to make things beautiful, because you have made us beautiful by your choice of flesh.

We thank you for this world. and we thank you for our Holy Catholic Church.

Eternal God, make the Catholic people truly catholic. Make us whole. Renew our Church, Lord, in our time. And make us a whole and holy people. Heal us, Lord, from our hurts from Holy Mother Church. Show us how to forgive our Mother. Reconcile us to our tradition, to our past, so we can move into our future, so we can walk with your, loving God.

We ask for all of these blessing. We invite you into our world. We invite you into our lives in Jesus' holy name. Amen.
from The Price of Peoplehood

Thanks be to, God.


I would also like to ask you to pray for our oldest daughter, Laura, as she undergoes a colonoscopy today to find out why she is having such severe abdominal pain and why her colon is inflamed.

Monday, March 31, 2008


The Duke

Belle, Wally and Duchess.

Yes, just imagine 4 dogs and 3 adults. I realized this weekend that having that many dogs in one space at the same time, well...leaves me speechless. You might say, "Why do you have that many dogs?" This weekend was Ron's birthday, and though three of the kids and their families had some distance to come, Marianne came from INDY.

Let me explain. We have two dogs, The Duke and Duchess of Keller. Duke the patriarch, being 15 years old, really is not interested in play and the antics of his young friend, Duchess. Marianne has Wally, the Earl of Keller and his friend, Belle, and were coming for the weekend to celebrate Dad's birthday. Well, if you can imagine the barking, posturing, and rivalry of three of the dogs with the Master simply looking on. (Oh! and Sam, the Secretary of State--the cat, who is the epitome of diplomacy, merely avoiding the entire group.)

This was a tremendous learning experience for us and in all honesty, except for the first 30 minutes after their arrival, Duchess and Belle got on pretty well. Except when Belle, woke up in the middle of the night lost and frightened in a new environment with a blood-curdling howl. The girls especially liked running in the muddy backyard together. (Yuck!!!)

Blackberry Pie Birthday Desert

The party was grand and after dinner we played party games. We played Rummiekub and Clue and it was late enough that the decision-making during Clue became laughable at best. We had so much fun and really hated to see it end.

All in all it was a grand weekend.


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Funny story about me!

I just came from a visit with Mike at This I Do. It was all about waiting on the Lord and receiving answers in his good time. It really struck home this morning. When I pray, you know, being patient is not what I do best. But of late He has been asking me to do just that.

I can give you a personal illustration, and an image of how impatient I can be. Remember the YouTube video a few days ago titled "Alleluia by Randall Thompson"? Well, I tried to upload it directly on Monday, not once, but five times. Each time I would wait and check the blog and it was not there, so I'd do it again. Finally, I was able to use another process and I was successful. When I opened my blog this morning, much to my surprise, there were ALL five uploads. Now, I don't have any idea where these were for the last three days. Floating around in cyberspace, no doubt, and finally decided to land. I could only laugh at myself and at the zeal with which I wanted you all to experience my excitement.

Yes, this morning I see it as a lesson I must be taught again and again about being patient. And, I suspect, until I get it right. Only He knows when I will be even slightly successful.

Though this project did not have anything to do with prayer or being sure I am following his plan for me in my life at that time, it just goes to show that if I would just WAIT, there would be an answer. It doesn't mean I should stop praying, it teaches me that maybe I should not nag (uploading, uploading, uploading...). In three days I got the answer, not yesterday as I hope, but an answer nonetheless. And yes, I got three days! As Mike says, "May we know His strength as we wait upon the Lord."

God is Good!!! All the Time!

Thanks, Mike, and thanks be to God!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Seven Random Things About Me!

Eileen at Eileen on least, I try! asked me before Easter to do this and I postponed it until now. I know there are those out there who have been just holding your breath to acquire this information about me. First I must say thank you to Eileen for tagging me...Now I must THINK (not an easy task some days) of seven things you absolutely must know about me.

First, here's the list of rules....

1. When tagged place the name and URL on your blog.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs.
5. Send an email/comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.

Well, here goes...

1. When I was a freshman in high school I was playing softball with some classmates. I was tall and "skinny"--at the time--I'm still tall, but "skinny" has been gone for some time--At any rate, I hit a home run. The supervising teacher yelled, "Splinters, I didn't think you had it in you!!" Thus, the nickname.

2. I have five children, two girls and three boys. The girls are the oldest and the youngest with the boys sandwiched in between (the meat between the delicate bread).

3. God planned the family that way...He knew I would need at least 10 years between the girls in order to plan the weddings. He did such a good job that the youngest is still a maiden and her sister is now married 16 years. (but I see a wedding in the future...)

4. None of the children wanted to go into nursing. They were most adamant. Just didn't want to work in the medical there mother. So, Wes is an athletic trainer who works for orthopedic physicians and is a trainer and cast tech. Marianne works for Eli Lilly as a study coordinator working with physicians on a regular basis...Yep, and I'm still working as a nurse.

5. I love to travel. And though our trip to Ireland has been put on hold until next summer (we WILL be going) we plan trips to Montana and New Mexico this summer, all family related! Yeah!!

6. I love to knit and crochet. I'm working on the baby afghan for David and Kelly's new arrival in August. She will be my 4th granddaughter.

7. Finally, I really, really like the West Wing and think Martin Sheen should run for President!!!

Since I realize that nearly everyone who is reading this will have already done this MEME, I will invite those who are new to my blog to pick this up and run with it...It was great fun and hope if you do you will let me know so I can read yours.


Thanks be to God!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Alleluia by Randall Thompson

Cy suggested I listen to this and he was right it is beautiful. Thank you, Cy.
Thanks be to God!

He is Risen, Alleluia!

The Risen Lord
porcelain by Therese Meisling

Two thoughts for the day. The first is offered as an introduction to Easter Sunday's Mass in Magnificat and written by Pope Benedict.

Faith in the resurrection of Jesus says that there is a future for every human being; the cry for unending life which is a part of the person is indeed answered. Through Jesus we do know 'the room where exiled love lays down its victory.' He himself is this place, and he calls us to be with him and in dependence on him. He calls us to keep this place open within the world so that he, the exiled love, may reappear over and over in the world...God exists; that is the real message of Easter. Anyone who even begins to grasp what this means knows what it means to be redeemed.
Pope Benedict XVI

The other is offered by Richard Rohr, O.F. M. in his book Radical Grace.

The Subversive, Risen Christ

Jesus is among us now in a new way as the Risen Christ, the Christ who is everywhere, beyond all limits of space and time. On Good Friday we say the relationship of all humanity to God: We kill what we should love. We're afraid of the gift that would free us. On Easter Sunday we celebrate Jesus coming back into a world that rejected Him.

If you have ever been rejected, you know how unlikely it is to come back into the midst of those who have said, We do not want you. Yet that's the eternal mystery we celebrate: God is always coming back into a world that for some unbelievable reason does not want God. It's almost impossible to believe that could be true. And yet Jesus, in his humility, finds ways to come back. Jesus knows we didn't like the first time what he had to say. We weren't ready for that much freedom or that much truth. Humankind can't bear that much reality or that much love in one moment of history.

So God had to come back in a disguised form. God had to come back, as it were, secretly, as a subversive, hidden--the Risen Christ. Now he can be everywhere, but we can't capture him. We can't name him too precisely. He can always break through in new and unexpected ways. That's the Risen Christ the world is never ready for and never expects, and sadly, does not even want. That's the Christ who energizes his Church, The Christ forever beyond our control.
from For Teens on the Risen Christ

We have been given so much in the love of God. If we could just accept the gift of life offered with humility by our Risen Lord! We are such frail lace tatted by the hand of God. The strength of the fiber is in the love of the Risen Lord and the intricacies of the life of that work is in the working of the Holy Spirit!


Thanks be to God! Alleluia!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sacred Space

The Crucifixion
porcelain by Therese Meisling

This Good Friday reflection will be my last until Easter Monday as I begin my celebration of the Triduum today. And this speaks for itself.

Mary, Mother of God
Luke 2:34-35, 42-50

His mother said...

Who are you, Mary? Did you wonder. too? Mother of the Son of God--no job description, no model no mirror, no precedent.

No wonder, in spite of Simeon's warning, you weren't prepared that day in the temple. Exhausted, foregoing food and rest to find him, fuming perhaps (after all, he was twelve...and you've given him some freedom...and you've made this trip before!) Could this be a mistake? Had you carelessly handled God's precious Gift? Fear and guilt and the feeling you'd been somehow tricked. Did these loose your tongue to echo our own ready responses to inconsiderate children?

Mother of the Son of God, what lessons you had to learn! How patient Jesus was--returning home to be predictable until the time was right.

Was it then, beneath the cross, you learned it all? Jesus--Son, Savior. Mary--beloved, redeemed. We stand with you, Mary, beneath his cross, muddling through, misunderstanding, learning who we are by learning who he is.

Jesus, help us hold these lessons deep with in our hearts.
Donna Streufert


May God bless us with deep love and appreciation for the gift of his Son
as we walk with Jesus on the path of our Salvation!!
Thanks be to God!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Woman Healed


This reflection touched me because is gives hope to all who suffer in any kind of pain or anxiety. It can touch those who feel they have no worth or value.

A Woman Healed From Hemorrhages

Mark 5:25-34

A woman suffering...

You were captive to the bleeding, your life drained away, leaving you weak and ashamed and helpless, your money drained away by liars who left you for dead and considered you worthless. Twice victim.

Dear suffering sister, were you afraid to meet him face to face? Is that shy you crept up behind, shy, yet sure he had more power in the hem of his robe than all the charlatans you'd seen?

And you, Jesus, when you terned to her, calling her daughter, you turned to us as well. You assure us that it's O.K..., wanting to be whole. It's not O.K. to be a victim.

You draw us out and encourage us to tell the whole story, from beginning to end--just how it is--just how it feels--just what we want and need. Suffering in silence earns few points with you.

It takes Spirit-driven courage to lay hold of your promises to forgive and heal and empower. What must we risk as we step out, reach out, even with one trembling finger in faith? Perhaps to show we really care? Perhaps to reconcile? Perhaps to say the truth? Perhaps.
Donna Steufert

Again, I find in this reflection that we are not called to be passive individuals. If we want help we must ask for it, seek it, listen, be guided to it. Who will know if we do not ask? And then after we are aided in this quest by the Son of Man, we must accept it actively and aggressively with a thankful heart and soul.


Thanks be to God!