Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Public Apology...

This morning because of irresponsibility I left a lector to read without letting him know I would not be there. Why? Simple. I didn't check the schedule. In all my ramblings the last two days, about how I feel the "call", I think I got a simple but BOLD answer from Our Lord. "Cathy, do what I have called you to do already. "

This is most humbling, for even as I write this, Bernie is doing both readings this morning. And it's not because he cannot do them that I bear this humiliation. It's because I was not responsible. It's because I left him wondering without the courtesy of a call or explanation. Yes, this has happened to me on more than one occasion by others, but that doesn't excuse my lack of integrity or even simply LOOKING at the ministers schedule last night...So, God has said to me in a way most revealing today, "Cathy, if I want you to enter into another "Place" I will call you in MY good time."

And so I say, "Bernie, I am sorry for leaving you to take the responsibilities as lector without the courtesies that this position implies." Now, to phone Bernie and apologize to him.


To Ron, who called this to my attention,
Thank you and thanks be to God!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Week Ends...

with a most wonderful surprise!!!

Let the same mind be in you that was in
Christ Jesus,
who, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
as something to be exploited,
but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death
even death on a cross.
~Philippians 2:5-8~

Today, what a surprise and blessing for Ron and me. Shannon is state-side to renew her visa so that she can continue her work in China. We really didn't think we would have a chance to visit with her as her visit here is very short. But, you know, I believe in miracles...Meeting her and her mother, Colleen, in the parking lot at Schnucks was absolutely that for me. Like a child at Christmas surprised by the wonder of the gifts, so was I at seeing her. I could only greet her with hugs and joy!!!

Shannon has a most infectious smile that lifts your spirits. She emanates love, compassion and grace. And when she speaks of the children she cares for, one can only believe that the love they are given is tender and warm. There is a sincere desire in her to do the will of God where she is and that is caring for these children who are at risk.

My dear friends, my hope is that you have model of Christ, like Shannon, who can motivate you to submit your will to the will of God, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today I feel rejuvenated. And since the beginning of this week, there have been many moments in which I have felt the presence of Christ. Now, it seems He is calling me to serve, perhaps in ways I have not served before. Please pray I will hear the call as his will, and not MY egos will to serve.


For all his gifts to me, I say,
"Thanks be to God"

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Week of Christian Action...(part 2)

Witnessing God's people at work this week has as been an inspiring time for me. Being in the midst and hearing the progress only bolsters resolve. Because not all are called to actively participate in the day to day workings of social justice organizations, it is good to know that what we contribute in funds and prayer do not go unnoticed or ignored. God is GOOD.

Tuesday night there were 2,000 people at the Rite to Life banquet. For the first time I heard them use the "Prolife" phrase "From conception to natural death" in their talks. They didn't just talk about abortion though it was and has always been the focus of this annual event. Now we are considering the whole of humanity.
Last night at St. Benedict Cathedral we witnessed the work done by CAJE (Congregations Acting for Justice in Evansville), an interfaith coalition working for social justice. The commitment of this group is to work with elected leaders and the mayor in this area to supply affordable housing for the working poor. It was inspiring to see the mayor and members of the county council commit to work. This is a complex topic and requires commitment on the part of all individuals who know that there must be a change in how we value those in need. One had only to listen to the speakers to know that this is HARD work and there is no doubt that it has been diligent by those who are closely involved.

Again I see the Beatitudes at work where I live!!! I see Jesus in our midst. "We are One Body, One Body in Christ, and we do not stand alone." (Dana)


Thanks be to God!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Birthday...of sorts.

It's hard to believe but just a little over a year ago I began this endeavor here. Little did I know at the time I would meet such delightful people along the way. And so it is that to all of you who comment, and those who choose not to, I say thank you! For me this is a grand journey from which I am learning, oh so much!!! God bless you all this day!!!


Thanks be to God!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

A Week of Christian Action...

"The practical result of this, for us, is that now on earth the whole of Christ's life is always being lived, things that happened to Him on earth are happening to Him now in His members; the things that He did on earth, He is doing now through us. In us are all His needs as man. His need of food and drink and sleep, of sympathy, friendship, comfort, and love; His need of solitude, His need to adore." By Caryll Houselander

The quote above is part of a much more extensive and lovely piece of literature. Please visit Prayer, Poetry and Praise for the rest of this wonderful excerpt.
It has been our privilege to attend the Vanderburgh County Right to Life banquet for a number of years. Each year about 1,500 people of all Christian denominations come together to give support to this Pro-Life movement. If only this banquet were a celebration of life alone. Tomorrow evening the speaker will be Cal Thomas. It is wonderful to experience the coming together of God's people in this way. In this way we are able to proclaim the value of every human life, born and unborn. We all have worth! And we are witnesses as the Body of Christ.

Then Thursday night, as Christians from all denominations, we are called to gather at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville to silently voice our concerns at the Social Justice Action Meeting. Not by the clanging of bells or the tooting of horns but by the silence of numbers we are to bring before the mayor and city council, who will be in attendance, our concerns regarding the need for affordable housing for the working poor. It is the hoped that by addressing this real problem "hope and dignity" will be given to those most in need.

You see, as the Body of Christ, we are called to action. We are not to sit passively by and watch...we must contribute. Christianity is NOT a spectator sport!!!

I would ask all of you for your prayers as we endeavor to bring about Christ's teaching by living the Beatitudes not just reflecting on them.


Thanks be to God!