Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Prayerful Talants

St. Meinrad Archabbey
Picture by cindy47452

There are times that the book Latin Sayings for Spiritual Growth really has a lot to say to me. This is one of those times. I have been struggling with my grasp of prayer and how it should be done for years and years. Sometimes I feel I succeed in my prayer life and at others I feel the failure. But you know when I hear others talk about their praying, I wonder if I really know how to pray.

Archabbot Labert Reilly, O.S. B. says this.

Non omni cundem calceum induas pedi

("Every shoe fits not every foot")
Publilius Syrus

Many times during our journey, we turn to Christ just as the Apostles did and implore, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1).

It was simple when we were young: Utter the memorized words ask for blessing for all we loved, and drift off to sleep, trusting God's presence the same way we trusted that our mother would be there in the morning, gently shaking us awake.

But as we grow older, life reveals its complexities. Our friendships with other human beings change, just as our relationship with God changes. We turn to a shelf filled with spiritual reading for guidance, and the options stump us. We can meditate, pray the Rosary, go to daily Mass, pray by ourselves or with a group. We can be guided by Thomas a Kempis, Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, Francis de Sales, or Therese of Lisieux. One deeply spiritual friend is rooted in Adoration, another in Scripture study still another in both.

What fits us?

We are each of course, unique, and God is infinite. He approaches each of us in ways that make sense to us and that will bring us close to Him. If God gives one person the gift of experiencing His presence through a certain style of prayer, that doesn't mean it's the only way that leads to Him.

It's another facet of the virtue of prudence: sifting, testing, and listening, to fine the prayer that brings us closest to God.


So perhaps, I should stop worrying today about how I don't pray the way others pray, but pray the way I am most comfortable where I am right now. That of course may change tomorrow, or in years and years...Only God knows. I'm still just a work in progress. YEAH!

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Feast of St Catherine of Siena

St Catherine of Siena
Originally uploaded by Lawrence OP
Today is the feast of St. Catherine. I have always had a humble pride in the fact that Mom and Dad chose this strong, brave, determined woman to be my model. And so today I celebrate not only her life but the wisdom of my parents.

"With God as your companion you will live in the light of faith, with hope and fortitude, with true patience and perseverance, all the days of your life. You will never be alone, never fear anyone or anything, for you will find your security in God." --Catherine of Siena

A wise and courageous woman, when there are women who still long to be "liberated," she is the model of that liberation. And her liberation did not come through things of this world, but by doing the will of God.
For her example I say,
"Thanks be to God!"

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Busy, Busy Weekend

Yeah!!!! It's the weekend. And a lovely busy one to be sure!

First it's by Saturday breakfast with the "girls". Two dear former workers. We meet one Saturday a month to catch!!! A real blessing.

Ron and I volunteer at Mother Theresa's Treasures, a thrift store run by our church, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church here in Newburgh. It is wonderful to work there. It is a really worthwhile cause.

Wes, Annie and the Girls will be here this afternoon from INDY. Tomorrow is Neil's First Communion and we are going to CELEBRATE!!!! We will help Neil celebrate the joy of his special day with family and friends!!!!! The best of all worlds!

See why I am soooooo excited?!!!?

To you all God Bless and Thanks be to God!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Waiting Upon God

The Annunciation
Fra Angelico, (c. 1438-1445)

This is our Lord's will: that our prayer and our trust should be equally generous. For if our trust is not as generous as our prayer we cannot worship God to the full, and we hinder and harm ourselves.

Sometimes it seems that we have been praying a long time and still do not have what we ask. But we should not be sad. I am sure that what our Lord means is that either we should wait for a better time or more grace, or a better gift.

This is his meaning: that we should see what he does, and pray that it should be done. One is not enough without the other.

It is our Lord's will that, whatever he plans to do, we should pray for it, either in particular or in general. The joy and delight it gives him, and the thanks and glory we shall be given because of it pass all understanding--in my sight.

St Julian of Norwich
Enfolded in Love, Daily reading with Julian of Norwich
Edited by Robert Llewelyn


I am called to wait. I have found that I am great at procrastination (waiting to do something I am called to do) but not so good at waiting (submitting to the will of another in this case God). Why is that? I don't "wait on God" very well at all...Oh!!! I think I have control of one and I know I have no control of the other...The truth is I am not in control of either. Procrastination caused anxiety and the other impatience. Boy have I got a lot of work to do in learning to wait without assuming to be in control...

Thanks be to God!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I've Got the Urge MEME

Because I was once lost and now have been found through the help of Esther at A Catholic Mom in Hawaii, who tagged me in the first place, I can now get rid of all these pent-up urges...

1. I have the urge to clean out my car.
2. I have the urge to tune my harp.
3. I have the urge to clean the office here at home.
4. I have the urge to wrap Neil's First Communion gift.
5. I have the urge to get the umbrella from the storage building and place it in the table outside.
6. I have the urge to cut back the bushes in the garden...but it is supposed to rain again tomorrow.
7. I have the urge to shop for a Japanese Lace Maple to replace the one that died a year ago.
8. I have the urge to call my friend, Fay, in Texas and see how she is doing.
9. I have the urge to call Martha in NJ as I owe her a call.
10. I have the urge to bake lots of good thing and put them in the freezer because it will be too hot soon to bake.

My, I feel sooo much better!! Now I need to act on some of these urges.

Since I have no idea who has and who hasn't participated in this endeavor, I invite anyone who is interested in doing it to let me know so I can read your list! It really is freeing.


Thanks be to God!