Monday, June 23, 2008

It Came...

I finally ordered Praying with Saint Paul: Daily Reflections on the Letter of the Apostle Paul, Edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. It is printed by Magnificat. I don't know why I put it off, but it is here none-the-less. Please let me share with you tomorrow's reflection...It is really wonderfully thought provoking.

The Purpose Driven Life
Monsignor James Turro
"In (Christ) we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ."
(Ephesians 2:11-12)

"In Christ we were also that we might exist for the praise of his glory." How many times are people left wondering at the meaning of it all. What is the point of our existence? How bleak and gross even is the answer the world gives back to that question. It maintains that we have no particular role to play at all in the world. We are simply pointless--we just are, period. If that be so , is there any wonder that some people under severe pressure from grave illness or from the sheer routine of day-to-day living decide to end it all? The purposeless life is not worth living.

But as God first chose the Hebrews to spread the good news about him and to praise him, so God expects no less of us--that we do just that--"that we might exist for the praise of his glory." What an exalted goal to have in life: the glorification of God in all we say and do and are. A backward look at our live--and examination of conscience--may sadly reveal that we have been quite negligent in this regard, that is, in making Christ better known within our family , our circle of friends, our co-workers. One's life cannot have more exalted thrust than that--to first understand and then to proclaim to all and sundry that God made us to know, to love, and to serve him is this life and to be happy with him for ever in the next."

God give me the sharpness of mind and the force and clarity of speech to witness to you in every venue in which I may find myself.


"...God made us to know, to love, and o serve him
in this life and to be happy with him for ever in the next."

I am in first grade religion class at St. Mary's School and I remember hearing and learning this for the first time. I feel like a kid again!!

I have a reason for being here. I have value and that's because God made me. And to realize that value I will make every effort to "know, love and serve Him."
Thanks be to God!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Short and Sweet

Keller Garden, 2008

Then Peter came and said to him, "Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As may as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times."
~Matthew 18: 21-22~

I've been hurt, and I've been wronged. Is refusing to forgive really going to help?
What have I got to lose?

Jesus, you forgave. Live in me so that I might forgive as well.

A Catholic Woman's Book of Days by Amy Welbor


So I asked myself the same question. The answer for me is this. I have nothing to lose (hell), and everything to gain (Heaven). Pretty simple, huh?

Thanks be to God!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Right Living and Right Speaking

Originally uploaded by TheScriptorium
I thought I'd let Henri Nouwen voice his wisdom today.

To be a witness for God is to be a living sign of God's presence in the world. What we live is more important than what we say, because the right way of living always leads to the right way of speaking. When we forgive our neighbors from our hearts, our hearts will speak grateful words, and when we are hopeful and joyful we will speak hopeful and joyful words.

When our words come too soon and we are not yet living what we are saying, we easily give double messages. Giving double messages--one with our words and another with our actions--makes us hypocrites. May our live give us the right words, and may our words lead us to the right lives.

from Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith

That said, I wish you all a hope filled, joyful day!


Thanks be to God!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Prayer of Humility

I found this prayer in the book, St. Benedict and St. Therese: The Little Rule and The Little Way, by Dwight Longenecker.

I share it because I have been called to "swallow my pride" a couple of times this week. I find when I begin to take my gifts seriously and think of myself as GRAND, rather that good, I am brought to my knees first in humility. Then, I am called to gratitude to my Lord for reminding me that my success is a gift given not something I MADE.

So I offer you this simple prayer:

"I asked for strength that I might achieve,
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men,
I was given weakness that I might feel my need for God."
~An Anonymous Confederate Soldier~

Thanks be to God!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I have an announcement to make...

Yesterday, much to my delight, my daughter, Laura, started her blog. She has started it by sharing her family's journey to MT this past week. Please stop by and say, "Hello." Her address is Exuberance. I'm sure she'd love your visit just as I do.

Oh! Had to go back to the GreeN...Didn't realize how accustomed to it I had become. Everyone please have a grand evening!!!

Thanks be to God!