Monday, July 13, 2009

A Study in Clouds

I just could no resist the wonder of these clouds. They had such character, depth, color. I cannot paint or draw well, so I am in awe of such beauty. This is only a few of the glorious pictures on the this palate in the sky. All this took place on the 4th of July as we drove across South Dakota.

Have a grand day!


Thanks be to God!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just Got Home

Rocky Mountain National Park, July, 2009

We just arrived home from one of our most enjoyable trips to visit Mom. Usually we fly to Montana, but this year we chose to drive. As a result we got to visit with her, brother Phil and his family, Deb and Megan and Ron's family, Linda and Norm and Rhonda and John.

The route took us from Indiana through Iowa, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Missouri and back home. By the grace of God we had glorious weather and delightful interaction with all our family.

We went to the Little Big Horn National Battlefield (by-passed Mount Rushmore this time/really crowded for the 4th) and visited once again Rocky Mountain National Park in all its grandeur!!! Will have soooo many pics to share, but just wanted all to know I'm back and that an auto trip is still one of the best ways to see this wonderful nation!

Thanks be to God

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Continuing The Adventure...

We're off to CO today on the next leg of our journey. Must say good-bye to Mother and the rest of the family. It's always sooo hard for I won't see them for another year. Perhaps, that is why I appreciate these gifts of family sooo much.

Wishing you all wonderful visits with your families!!!

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Christmas In July

Melting Chocolate
Originally uploaded by oreolla

It's July. I'm on vacation. You all know that!!! What you may not know is that I am behind in my reading. For Christmas I love to read a good "Christmas Mystery." The truth is I got two books this year and only got to read one of them. So, since we are on the road and I have time to read I decided to read the one I hadn't finished. So here is a partial review of my "Christmas in July" mystery.

It's called The Chocolate Snowman Murders by JoAnna Carl. (She is also the author of The Chocolate Jewel Case.) Though it's certainly not close to the season mentioned above, there is never a season or time of year when CHOCOLATE or a GOOD mystery is not appropriate.

I will not tease you with the plot...but I will tease you with the chocolate trivia!

Really Ancient Chocolate

Among the big anthropological news of the early 2000's was the report that scientist had proved use of chocolate by humankind began five hundred years earlier that previously thought.

An analysis of ancient pottery from Honduras found traced of chocolate at least three thousand years old. This is five hundred years earlier than any earlier evidence of the use of the heavenly substance.

A professor of anthropology at Cornell University, John Henderson, and his colleagues made chemical analyses of residue on bits of broken pottery dating from 1100 B.C., pottery found in the Ulua Valley of Northern Honduras. The scientists discovered theobroma, and alkaloid present only in cacao.

Scientists speculate that the vessels had been used to drink a fermented 'beer' made from the pulp that surrounds the cacao beans used to produce chocolate.

The pottery was of the type used for important ceremonies, the researchers said."
So there you have it.

Today have your chocolate and PARTY! Perhaps more trivia tomorrow!


Thanks be to God!

If you love a good mystery and chocolate Diane Mott Davidson has also written a book called Dying for Chocolate.

The lovely picture is by oreolla.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Montana Sky, Nature's Summer Best

Arrived in Glorious Montana and found it cool and the clouds have character. There is so much glory o be seen in the work of the creator is only we would only take time to reflect on the beauty. Stop and look! It is truly grand!!!!! I have so much I want to share and soon I will be able to do so!

Thanks be to God!!!
Montana Sky, Nature's Summer Best
Originally uploaded by moonjazz

I fear my pictures are still in the camera. Will share mine when I get home. But the sky is glorious here!!!!!