Sunday, January 03, 2010

Saturday Evening Post Fest...

I accepted the invitation by Dorothy at Musings at 86 and went to the Saturday Evening Post Blog Fest. It was great fun. And there is a lot of great blog posts to be read from the last year. Mine was listed in the 80's but don't let that deter you!!! I know each and everyone of you who read this will have a post that should be added to the list!!! JUMP on BOARD!!! It was great fun!!!

Thought I'd add one of my favorite Norman Rockwell pictures. It's from an old calendar, 2007. Click on the picture to enlarge and enjoy Mr. Rockwell's handiwork.

Thanks be to God!!!

Friday, January 01, 2010


My best wishes for a Happy, Holy, and Healthy New Year to all. God Bless you abundantly this New Year!!!


Thanks Be to God!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Snippets of 2009

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Memories 2009

These are just a few snippets of 2009, a very good year! Wishing all the very Happiest of New Years in 2010. Our year was full of family and friends, weddings and births. God has been good to us.

Please join in the fun and share some of your picture memories of the last year. Offer us your link through Mr. Linky so we can all share with you these Snippets of 2009.

And in all things,
Thanks be to God!

For you that asked, Yes, indeed this can be done with Picasa.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Once Upon a Recipe

I can think of no better way to send out the old and bring in the new than with a really scrumptious chocolate cake. Not just any chocolate cake but a BLACK MAGIC CAKE. For a number of years this recipe was on the box of Hershey's Cocoa. One day, I can't tell you why, I decided to write it down for fear the new box would not have the recipe and I would have thrown out the old. Hence, out with the old and in with the new (a very bad analogy!)

This cake has been a staple in our house for nearly 35 years. I started making it when we lived in Oklahoma and so it continues. Please enjoy!

Black Magic Cake
1 3/4 cups flour
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup cocoa
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 cup strong coffee (or 2 teaspoon instant coffee in 1 cup hot water)
1 cup butter or sour milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1t teaspoon vanilla

Combined flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt in large mixing bowl. Add eggs, coffee, buttermilk, or sour mild, oil, and vanilla. Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes. Pour into greased 13"x9" pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes.

~sour milk= 1 tablespoon vinegar +milk=1 cup

Cake batter will be watery!!! I have never iced this cake. It is so rich. To decorate, when cool, I dust with powered sugar. It can be served with whipped topping or ice cream.

Enjoy ringing in the New Year. Then start the diet next week. Please as always share one of your favorite stories and the recipe that goes with it. Just attach it to Mr. Linky.

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Collage Experiment

My experiment in making a collage. I have seen so many wonderful ones I thought I would give it a try! This is the experiment. Maybe before the end of the year I will have more snippets!

Thanks be to God

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Monday, December 28, 2009

The Simple Women's Daybook

This was a grand weekend. We got to have two of the grandkids for the night while Mom and Dad went to their After Christmas Party. Then there was the quiet of a wonderful Sunday with just quiet and relaxation. It's hard to beat that! After you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

~~Outside my is dark and very COLD!!

~~I am much fun it will be to surprise Rhonda for her birthday.

~~I am thankful and friends who support and encourage me.

~~From the kitchen...leftover turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and gravy.

~~I am and white striped nightgown

~~I am creating...a lap afghan (knitting from one of Mom's patterns)

~~I am Mass and pray for the Holy Innocents.

~~I am reading...Ringing in Murder by Kate Kingsbury (A Christmas Mystery)

~~I am hoping...the weather continues to be kind to us.

~~I am hearing...mostly quiet. It's 5:00 a.m. and I'm the only one up. Duchess is snoring at my feet.

~~Around the house...Christmas lights still brighten the darkness and the glow of the manger continues.

~~One of my favorite watching old movies. I might just have a Charlie Chan Marathon. All are welcome!

~~A few plans for the rest of the week: 1) Finally working on the pictures taken on vacation this summer and putting them into a book. 2) Make sure the laundry is done. 3) Pack for visit to St. Louis and the celebration of Rhonda's 60th birthday. 4) Starting the New Year with no resolutions.

~~Here is picture thought I am sharing...
The Keller Chirstmas Tree, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Interlude

Want a break from the Day After Christmas tidying? You know picking up stray bows, recycling Christmas paper, soda cans, card board and plastic? I know I do. So today I offer you this bit of diversion.

Click to Mix and Solve

Please be my guest. Visit and enjoy as long as you wish! It's time to take a break. An if you are so inclined. Share with us your own Christmas puzzle for a Holiday Interlude. After you've left your comment Please invite us to your house to share in the fun by adding your name to Mr. Linky.

Thanks be to God!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all the best of days!!!! Merry Christmas!


Thanks be to God!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Once Upon a Recipe

Ever since I had my first bowl of New England clam chowder when we were stationed at Ft. Ord, California in 1971, I have taken great pleasure in making it. It is a tradition in this family to have clam chowder on Christmas Eve. We gather and pray, enjoy the meal and then we share our gifts. Even when we travel to visit the kids on Christmas Eve clam chowder is served. So I offer you the Keller version of...


5 medium potatoes
1 medium onion
2 cans of minced clams
2 teaspoons of salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 cube margarine
1/2 cup flour
3 cups milk
2 cups whipping/heavy cream

Peel potatoes and dice into small cubes. Finely chop onion. Place in a large pot with clam juice from minced clams. Ad just enough water to cover potatoes. Bring to a boil and cook until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes.

Add minced clams, salt, pepper, mild and cream. Make roux from melted margarine and flour. Blend hot mild from the chowder pot to roux to thin the roux's consistency and then while stirring over medium heat, add roux to chowder. Continue to stir chowder until heated through. DO NOT BRING TO A BOIL. The chowder should thicken.

Serve with salad and warm buttered French or Sour Dough bread. Chowder may be served with grated cheese if desired. Serves 6 (I usually double the recipe and make two large pots when we are all together.)

I understand how busy we all are and so if you have no time to share a recipe at this time please leave a comment about your favorite Christmas meal. May God Bless you all!!! And the Merriest of Christmases to you all!
Thanks be to God!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It's not often that I feel that a comment I left for someone is inspired by the Holy Spirit. And perhaps it is my vanity that is allowing me to think that now. I was responding to MightyMom's post at My Wonderful Life on Rearranging. But when I finished commenting I realized I had been taught another lesson in Thanksgiving. So now I offer this to you with sincere humility.

I remember one Christmas when my Jimmy daily took all the gifts from under the tree and replaced them in a different way. I tried to stop this but soon realized this was his way of "celebrating" until the day when he could open his gifts. In some way, that's what we do in our lives. When we pray daily we are really asking God to help us place our gifts, use them and to celebrate them until we can realize that ultimate gift of heaven.

Thanks be to God
for the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit
and to MightyMom for the
I have edited this from the original by adding a few words and checked the grammar, but it is essentially the same comment.