Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Memories of Camp St Malo

The Chapel on the Rock
(Officially St. Catherine of Siena Chapel)
Allenpark, Colorado

Early Fall Ron and I took our annual trip to the "promised land" in Colorado.  With the  companionship of our family we went to places we hadn't gone in years.  One of those places was Camp St. Malo.  It's a beautiful place, quiet, tranquil and so close to heaven.  

When I was a kid we'd have an annual trek to the camp for a family picnic.  Dad, who as a kid himself had gone to camp here would revel in the memories of the times he had here.  I just remember those wonderful meals with Dad, Mom, my sister, brothers and the Aunts and Pat.  (Aunt Mary's potato salad was amazing.)

Then, too, I was reminded that Pope Saint John Paul II came here for quiet time when he was there in 1993. 
DENVER — With rosary beads, a new pair of white sneakers with yellow laces and a book of poetry, a beaming Pope John Paul II strode high into the Rocky Mountains on Friday for a rare day off.
The break in the Pope's visit to his church's World Youth Day ceremonies here was uncharacteristic, but it was long planned at the suggestion of Denver Archbishop J. Francis Stafford.
On a warm cloudy day, John Paul--who has a lifelong love for the outdoors and for mountains in particular--walked in his white cassock at an altitude of nearly 10,000 feet near Estes Park north of Denver.
"He hiked, and therefore rested. He prayed and he read. I think he was very, very happy," said papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro, who accompanied the Pope on a two-hour walk before lunch. John Paul donned the size 11 sneakers that were a gift from local children, who also provided a blue warm-up jacket and a walking stick. (Los Angeles Times)

I treasure the moments I've had in MY promised land.  So I begin preparation for our journey to the Holy Land in February.  Unlike most trips I prepare for there is more to do than just pack the suitcases and make sure I have the tickets and passports.  I want to travel with a real purpose.   Walking in the footsteps of our Lord.  And so my preparation has begun by rereading Father James Martin's book, Jesus: A Pilgrimage.

And so my preparation begins.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

Love had died that day
The world trembled and went dark
The Savior had died

A mother's sadness
Her wounded and broken heart
Still trusted in God

Thanks be to God!!


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Off On a Great Adventure

As we leave today for Spain and Portugal I am reminded of our trip to Italy in November.  The memories of walking down to the coliseum in Rome.  It was just a few blocks from the hotel.  What a thrill!  We walked the Palatine Hills, visited the Pantheon and had a delightful lunch at a sidewalk cafe.  We chose to walk back to the hotel.  It was a grand adventure.  Just crossing the streets is a thrill in Rome.  That night after dinner we walked down the street again to visit the Coliseum lit up after dark.  It was just breathtaking!  I'd go again in a heartbeat.  So now on to another Great Adventure!!!

"I think risk taking is a great adventure.  And life should be full of adventures."
                                                                                Herbie Hancock

Thanks be to God!!


Friday, March 17, 2017

The Road Less Traveled


“May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks.
 May your heart be as light as a song.
 May each day bring you bright, happy hours.
That stay with you all the year long.”

Took a walk the other day when the weather was unseasonably warm, and reveled in the glory of  God's creation.  I didn't see any snakes, deer, little foxes.  There were no croaking frogs or chirping locust.  Yet in all the silence I heard and felt the "breath of God!"  I was not alone.  Maybe I realized this more that day because I had no time constraints and no particular place to be, but it was a joyful moment on this "road less traveled" with a beloved companion.


Though the road be long
And the journey's end unknown
Steadfastly go on

Revel in  the breeze
With your silent companion
Experience hope


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Lenten Retreat at The Woods

Church of the Immaculate Conception
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN

Starting tomorrow I will be on retreat at Saint Mary-or-the-Woods.  The Sisters of Providence have been in Indiana since 1842 when Saint Mother Theodore Guerin set foot in these lovely woods.  The Woods is a place of serenity, peace and quiet.  Yes, and it is the campus of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.  It is an amazing place and I am so excited to be able to spend time there with the sisters and other associates. 

I will make my retreat in HOPE.  I'm not sure what I am hoping for but then that is the reason I am making a retreat.  I pray the Holy Spirit will guide me and that I have the willingness to listen.

"But our hope is in the providence of God
which has protected us until the present, 
and which will provide, somehow,
for our future needs. . ."
Saint Mother Theodore


Hope is in the Spirit
Companion on the journey
He is counselor

Thanks be to God!


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!!