Friday, December 07, 2007

I Have Always Loved Playing Tag...

This has been a pretty important week for me! I feel really special. I haven't felt so important since Marianne played basketball in high school and people would come up to me and say, "You're Marianne's mother, aren't you? SHE's a very good basketball player." It is really thrilling for me to open this blog and see a comment. I get as excited as a little kid.So to receive the Emmanuel Award and then being tagged for the MEME is quite a treat...

(Picture by Mary Engelbreit)


  1. I love to play Scrabble especially with the grand kids. My mom always said it is the best way to learn to spell, learn your vocabulary, and have fun at the same time.
  2. I can be a poor sport and poor looser (but not at Scrabble) when it comes to watching Denver Bronco football. These roots are deep.
  3. Sometimes I play solitaire. That's my remedy for avoiding poor sportsmanship when the Broncos are playing.
  4. I was scared to death of dogs as a child. Now I have two.
  5. I am dyslexic when it comes to numbers. (eg. I weighed a patient today whose weight was 232 lbs, and in the computer he weighed 323 lbs. when I got through.) Luckily I have a boss with a good sense of humor and patients who know me pretty well.
  6. I graduated from St. Mary-of-the-Woods college in 1994 with a degree in gerontology at the age of 48. (To which my husband remarked, "At your age, you will be in the forefront of your field.)
  7. When I was in college, three of my children were in college at the same time.
  8. I find the greatest joy in waking in the morning knowing that I start it with a clean slate and at the end of the day see how much chalk dust there is on the eraser. Some days are better than other.
And one for good measure...I love a good cup of hot tea.

Now my journey begins to "tag" others...hoping they have not already been tagged.

Good evening to all and Thanks Be To God!!!!!


  1. I love solitaire, although I haven't played it with real cards in a long long time.

  2. Me either...but it's so easy just to push the "new game" button...HEHEHE

  3. What a sense of humor you got! I love it! I found you at Cy's blog. Cy is my oldest. Happy Advent, dear wonderful lady!

  4. Nice to see you're having such a good time playing tag! Don't recall if I ever replied about your comment on my dad's book, but in any case, I really hope you like it!

    Just getting ready to pack our suitcases for our trip to the US. Getting psyched!!

  5. Pia to you I wish safe travel without complications...God SPEED!!

  6. You can't beat a hot cup of tea. I'm definatly with you on that!

  7. I'm with you on those Broncos! Also, love Scrabble, hate numbers, have very chalky erasor! It is so inspiring that you went back and got your degree while you still had children of your own in college! &:o) I would love to go back and finish mine!

  8. Trust me, Lisa, you can do it...and it was a wonderfully fulfilling experience.


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.