Saturday, November 01, 2008

A reason be to QUIET...

Well, wouldn't you know? The Feast of Saint Blase isn't until February 3. Can't remember the last time I had a sore throat like this. It feels like I had my tonsils removed all over again...Dr. Kris said the best thing to do is just rest my voice for the weekend as I have had this for about 4 days now and being quiet would help. (A boss's gentle way of saying,"Be still.") The cough medicine worked now if only the honey and lemon would do their part...

You all have a restful, holy weekend and perhaps by the time I am due to lector tomorrow, all will be "well."

Thanks be to God!!!!


  1. Hi! For the blog check. Hope you feel better for "A reason be to QUIET...." Just browsing this morning and came here through another's blog. Top of the day ta ya!

  2. Hopefully the combination of honey and lemon and rest will do the trick, Cathy, and you'll be feeling better by tomorrow.

  3. HOpe you are already well by the time you read this message...

    Get well soon.

  4. Hope your voice is well rested and feeling better soon!

  5. Hello dear Cathy! I hope you feel better soon. :-)

    Please come and pick up your Hot Blog Award. Thank you for all you do, Cathy!

  6. I hope you get well soon hon. Whenver I begin to get a sore and scratchy throat I gargle with warm water and salt it works EVERY time. I gargle on the hour every waking hour and it never develops beyond a day or two of discomfort by the third day my sore throat is gone.

    Keep you in my prayers:)

    Marie xooxoxoxo

  7. Many thanks to everyone...The prayers seem to be working... The cough is subsiding and the throat though still sore not quite as bad.


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.