Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Wonder what the weather has in store for us here today...We're supposed to have 50-60 MPH winds. It may be September, 2008 all over again. We lost electricity then for four days! Guess we'll need to batten down the hatches!!! Or it could just pass over. Will have to wait and see! Who said living in Southwest Indiana was boring?!

Have a grand day wherever you are!


And thanks be to God!


  1. Windy is one of the only songs I know how to play on the piano.

  2. Hope it just passes over. We've not been too bad here but in England there's been really heavy snow, then ice, them torrential freezing rain and now with the thaw there's a serious risk of flooding.
    Lord, protect us all and keep us from harm.
    Hope Ron's meeting went ok. Cathy.

  3. Wow, a big blast from the past (no pun intended!)
    We had amazing wind and rain last night in my little patch of land in Texas.


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