Friday, July 24, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

It's Friday it's TRUE!
I'm glad this week is tha-rough
Grand weekend to all!!!

Thanks be to God!


  1. Oh, I've been missing Bad Haiku Friday!
    Are you really glad the week is through? If I was a betting woman, I would bet not. You don't seem the type. Was it a bad week? Or just 'one of those' weeks and you are just so looking forward to the weekend?
    And now I'll bet you never thought a simple little haiku would produce this many questions!

  2. Ya know Eileen, I did not think that when I wrote it...Guess that's why it's a BAD Haiku! Not a bad week, glad it's the weekend. Thanks for grounding me in my bad haiku! :) Cathy

  3. Actually, Cathy, I was thinking that this was a GOOD poem for Wordful Wednesday!! And I do know that you enjoy all your weeks!

    blessings and hugs,


  4. Good one! have a great weekend!!

  5. Very, Very Cute! And you said so much using such few words too!

  6. Cute Haiku! My son will love this one. He loves Fridays because that means it's the last day of the school week, haha.

    Thanks for visiting. Have a terrific weekend!

  7. LOL! Me, too; me, too!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, dear Cathy!

  8. Bad Haiku is very silly,
    I don't think I've got my fill-y.
    (That's bad, it's true.)

  9. Hope you have a brill weekend! Enjoy!


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