Thursday, July 30, 2009

Road to Providence

As I have journeyed on The Road to Providence these many months, I have arrived at the point of drafting my Commitment. The lesson in the chapter before drafting the commitment is about Mission and Ministry. Seemingly simple words, they ask the question, "What is my mission and to whom do I minister?" Then as always, I seem to be guided by the Holy Spirit to a place of explanation.

Putting Our Temperaments
in the Service of God

Our temperaments--whether flamboyant, phlegmatic, introverted, or extroverted--are quite permanent fixtures of our personalities. Still, the way we "use"our temperaments on a daily basis can vary greatly. When we are attentive to the Spirit of God withing us, we will gradually learn to put our temperaments in the service of a virtuous life. Then flamboyance give great zeal for the Kingdom, phlegmatism, helps to keep an even keel in times of crisis, introversion deepens the contemplative side , and extroversion encourages creative ministry.

Let's live with our temperaments as with gifts that help us deepen our spiritual lives.
Bread for the Journey
by Henri J. M. Nouwen

So I reflect on my mission and ministry, as we all must. And when I reflect, I see that none of this is possible with a commitment to service to others. As Christ served those is his midst while he was physically here among us, he taught us and urged us to do the same.

Who do I serve? To whom do I minister? Do I use my gifts and talent to be an example of service to others? Do I serve in joy or in anger and frustration? In other words, am I a true servant? These are question I will ponder as I compose my commitment letter.

And so I pray:

Lord, I want to be where I can make a
difference, where I can spice up another
person's life by bringing him or her the good
new of your love and justice.

Help me discover all the gifts you have
graced me with so that I can help turn this
world around--starting with my own life!
Show me how to keep fresh in your commit-
ment to serve you each day. Amen (pg 1330)

The Catholic Youth Bible
New American Bible

Please pray for me as I pray for you!

Thanks be to God!!!


  1. Great reflection for today. Thanks Cathy!

  2. Something for me to ponder on. I have a lot of changing to do and it helps for me to read here.
    Thank you.
    All the best,

  3. As the Holy Spirit inspired a few years ago to answer Michael's many questions on faith, problems and what to matter WHAT the question, the answer is always love.

    Very nice thoughts to meditate on for sure, Cathy.

    blessings and hugs,


  4. Cathy,
    I am so proud of you!

    You are on the right track, with your prayers and discernment...

    You are definitely in my prayers.

  5. Mother Teresa said something along the eyes of "We can do no great things, only little things with great love." And it is clear through your blog that you strive to do jst that. Your spirit of service shines through.

  6. Lovely post. I especially enjoyed the prayer at the end. I hope you don't mind if I "borrow" it for my collection of prayers. :-)
    Have a blessed weekend!!

  7. As usual, Cathy, your post offers insight and inspiration to all.

    Using our temperments as part of our Mission of Service is good food for thought. God uses each personality that submits to the guidance of the Holy Spirit to enhance His Kingdom.

    I pray that you will always advance in your pursuit of Holiness.


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.