Thursday, September 23, 2010

~~Tea Talk~~

Iced tea may not have as much wisdom as hot tea,
but in the summer better a cool and refreshed 
dullard than a steamy sweat-drenched sage -
leave sagacity to the autumn!
  ~Linda Solegato

I'm having...My standard on an early morning like this, Good Earth Original tea.

My teacup is...plain white.

I'm feeling...adrift.  When my children hurt, for whatever reason, and I can't fix the hurt or make it feel better I feel I have no control.  I'm in a rudderless boat.

On my mind...Prayers to the Holy spirit for his wise intervention.  Praying he has salve for the wounds.

Full Moon

It is good that Ron took this picture.  It has allowed me to realize that the power and the will of God is greater than I am and though it is not what I want I have to continue to pray and relinquish to him the anxiety and pain of my child.  I have to allow her to experience it and know that God is always in control and he will offer the remedy! 

Thanks be to God!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house?  Share a cup of tea or a cool refreshing drink with us.


  1. Oh Cathy, I wish I could give you a real hug....
    I'm sorry you hurt. I understand how painful it is to see our own children hurt. I hope your prayer is answered soon. May His presence bring comfort to your aching heart.

  2. Hi Cathy
    Sorry to hear you are experiencing a little spot of worry for your child. I will keep you in my prayers tody. God bless you and your family.

  3. Hello Cathy~I recently went through a very difficult much pain. It was hard for my mom. She hated to know about my situation and pain...but I have almost come out on the other side and I wouldn't trade this suffering because of all that I have learned. I am closer to the Lord because of it. I am sorry for your hurt. Thank you for having tea with us.

  4. oh babe!
    I do pray and hope that all will heal soon. this too shall pass.


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.