Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the
comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.
~~Author Unknown~~
I'm feeling... embarrassed still...I missed a luncheon date yesterday with a dear friend and I have to excuse except that I was so absorbed in what I was doing that I didn't even check the time. What is truly embarrassing is that I didn't realize it until 4:00 p.m.
On my mind...making sure I am checking my calendar 1st think in the morning so that what happened yesterday doesn't happen again!!!!!! This lady is a dear friend and that is what makes it so painful!
Today I also join Meri for Share the Joy Thursday. For I believe we need to find it in my life every day no matter the realities in which we live. God is Good in so many ways even in times of trial.
This day has the potential of being just as grand as this rose.
I must be open to it!
Thanks be to God!!!
Thanks be to God!!!