Friday, December 03, 2010

~~Bad Haiku Friday and Haiku My Heart~~

Don't want to hurry
Want to savor the moment
Decorating fun

Thanks be to God!

Please visit Laura at Catholic Teacher Musings the sponsor of Bad Haiku Friday.  Visit also Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. 

Bad Haiku Friday

Haiku My Heart


  1. Thank you so much Grandma for visiting my blog. I love your comments.

    'Bad' haiku? whose? Not yours!

  2. Decorate.. it is fun indeed..We will also enjoy colors.. wow!

  3. savor the moment....this is perfect.

    the music??? takes me straight to a crowded old pub,
    savoring friends and a good old ale.
    i can assure you my mother would be right beside me, life of the party!


  4. so glad you're savoring the season and not stressing over it!

  5. Hiya Cathy,
    Room tidied already. Lucky you.
    Did you savour the moment of tidying as well :-)
    Bet you didn't. Not much anyway. Decorating is more fun.

  6. Ho ! I just got scared by the music - wasn't expecting a jig ! ;)
    Savor the sweet moments of light !
    Happy Friday !

  7. yes! I'm ready to decorate now, too. lovely poem

  8. Oh, Cathy, that's a beautiful haiku, and that's a beautiful sentiment, and that's exactly how I feel, I really want to savor it all this year!
    Most of my decorating is done, and what's not will keep until next year! Tomorrow morning I plan on getting up early, putting on the Christmas music, and getting a beef barley soup started in the slow cooker, and then spend the rest of the morning baking. I'm really looking forward to it.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Love and Prayers,

  9. oh that is perfect, to savor the moment... why does a tree bring so much happiness


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