Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the
comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.
~~Author Unknown~~
My teacup...a Tea-rrific mug
I'm feeling...calm. Even though my witness talk for Christ Renews His Parish is on Monday evening and I will be gone to a conference all weekend at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods I am confident that the Holy Spirit will be my guide. Preparation is done. Thanks be to God!
On my mind...are the plans for this weekend. We will be attending Women of Providence in Collaboration as a Providence Associate. The speaker will be Reverend Ron Rolheiser, OMI and the topic is Providence: Mystical Window on the World. I cannot tell you how I look forward to hearing him speak!
Joy comes in many forms.
And this day has the potential of
And this day has the potential of
I must be open to it!
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Indiana's own saint! |
A retreat in June
Wonderful days at The Woods
It's like coming home!!!
Thanks be to God!!!
Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words there to enchant and encourage!!!