The Christmas season is domestic; and for that reason most people now prepare for it by struggling in tramcars, standing in queues, and rushing away in trains, crowding despairingly into teashops, and wondering when or whether they will ever get home. I do not know whether some of them disappear forever in the toy department or simply lie down and die in the tea-rooms; but by the look of them it is quite likely. Just before the great festival of the home the whole population seems to have become homeless. [The Thing: Why I am a Catholic]
Returning and Rest
For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel;
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength
But you refused and said,
"No! We will flee upon horses"--
therefore you shall flee!
and, "W will ride upon swift steeds"--
therefore your pursuers shall be swift!
A thousand shall flee at the threat of one,
at the threat of five you shall flee,
until you are left
life a flagstaff on the top of a mountain,
like a signal on a hill.
Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you;
therefore he will rise up to show mercy to you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
blessed are all those who wait for him.
Isaiah 30: 15-18
For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel;
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength
But you refused and said,
"No! We will flee upon horses"--
therefore you shall flee!
and, "W will ride upon swift steeds"--
therefore your pursuers shall be swift!
A thousand shall flee at the threat of one,
at the threat of five you shall flee,
until you are left
life a flagstaff on the top of a mountain,
like a signal on a hill.
Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you;
therefore he will rise up to show mercy to you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
blessed are all those who wait for him.
Isaiah 30: 15-18
Lord, rescue us from getting sucked into the cyclone of commercialized Christmas this year. Help! Save us! Help us commit more earnestly to times of prayer, worship, silence, and reflection. Convince us to trad commotion for community and frenzy for friends. Show us what it takes to become more genuinely human that we might recognize You within us and your face in the face of others.
Advent Action
Be radical: stay home this year. Look at your calendar early and block out segments of sanity. When someone asks or makes demands on your time, simply reply, "I'm sorry, but we/I have something already scheduled." Just say no. Remember if this holy season turnout as crazy as previous years, it was at least partly your choice. Determine, instead, to be co-partners with God in writing your own future. If you want to be even more radical, unplug. Block out days, or parts of days, where you fast from electronics: no television or DVDs; no music or radio; no computer. Instead, talk, play games, cook, do crafts exercise, read, pray. (Advent and Christmas, Wisdom from G. K. Chesterton)
Lord, rescue us from getting sucked into the cyclone of commercialized Christmas this year. Help! Save us! Help us commit more earnestly to times of prayer, worship, silence, and reflection. Convince us to trad commotion for community and frenzy for friends. Show us what it takes to become more genuinely human that we might recognize You within us and your face in the face of others.
Advent Action
Be radical: stay home this year. Look at your calendar early and block out segments of sanity. When someone asks or makes demands on your time, simply reply, "I'm sorry, but we/I have something already scheduled." Just say no. Remember if this holy season turnout as crazy as previous years, it was at least partly your choice. Determine, instead, to be co-partners with God in writing your own future. If you want to be even more radical, unplug. Block out days, or parts of days, where you fast from electronics: no television or DVDs; no music or radio; no computer. Instead, talk, play games, cook, do crafts exercise, read, pray. (Advent and Christmas, Wisdom from G. K. Chesterton)
I have to say when I first read this reflection I thought it was humerous, though after I read it the second time, I'm sure it was not meant to be! It is a perfect lesson on how I behave during this time of the year! I was looking in the mirror when I read it the third time. I resolved to do something about it. There is still time!
Though, at times, I am at the mercy of others, I still have the right and privilege of controling the majority of my time. So I have resolved to do something about this. My time is precious. My life is precious. My well-being is precious. Why? Because God created me in love. It is time I "loved" me by taking care of what God so wonderfully created!!! So in "fasting." I will find joy, because I have CHOSEN this time for me and Him! What's more, I'm going try and find The Thing: Why I am A Catholic. It is probably a book from which I can learn a great deal more about ME!
Wishing all a glorious fast!
Though, at times, I am at the mercy of others, I still have the right and privilege of controling the majority of my time. So I have resolved to do something about this. My time is precious. My life is precious. My well-being is precious. Why? Because God created me in love. It is time I "loved" me by taking care of what God so wonderfully created!!! So in "fasting." I will find joy, because I have CHOSEN this time for me and Him! What's more, I'm going try and find The Thing: Why I am A Catholic. It is probably a book from which I can learn a great deal more about ME!
Wishing all a glorious fast!
Thanks be to God!
Thanks be to God!