Showing posts with label Maxine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maxine. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving with Maxine...

I always feel badly for those who find baking a turkey a stressful challenge. I've had a couple "dry" turkeys, but all in all even then the kids were soooo hungry they didn't take time to critique it. My philosophy is, " Be thankful you have a turkey to eat."

Turkey, turkey bird
White meat, dark meat and stuffing
Just love to eat it!

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Time Change...

Twice a year I HAVE to change. I'm made to conform! And why? With all the things in the world that NEED to change, why can't I just leave the clock the way it is? Has it caused injury, defamed, maimed, or murdered? I guess that poor device could be accused of stealing and then after repenting returning what it stole months later, but then I become a co-conspirator. AND I'm not sure what was stolen is really replaced. This seems like such a "waste of time!"

Please use your time wisely today, because tomorrow you will have time you have to make up.
Have a grand weekend.


Thanks be to God!

Visit World of Mothers for some time saving advise.