So, Paint Your Wagon is a family standard. Unless you have ever experienced gold fever or been around someone who has it you probably won't understand. It's a disease...
We laugh about it now, but 30 years ago it was an all consuming "hobby." Weekends were spent at the placer, concentrating and the rest of the week after work was spent panning it down.
It was fun! We got to take the kids to wonderful places. They learned what it was like to be a '49er. Totin' bucket, dirt, sluice, diggin', pannin'...all that work! When all was said and done it was a great lesson in life. One in which none of the kids wanted to pursue. All passed on the back braking work and chose to go on to other endeavors, no less demanding, but less physical.
Following are more pictures.
For the gift of adventure,
Thanks be to God!!!