Both Esther of
A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and Lisa at
Are We There Yet have honored be in different ways. First Esther bestowed on me the honor of The Bloggers of the World award some days ago. This new and coveted award! I have been asked to bestow this on 10 others. And so I will do my best.
This I Do. Mike in England
2. Sailing by Starlight. Though she will be not be posting until after Easter.
Beyond Horizons3. Pia in Italy.
What I Choose Today... From Colorado
Are We There Yet. Another Colorado site I love to visit
Budapest Daily Photo. Brings beauty into my life.
Norwich Daily Photo. Brought me my first crocus of the year.
Prayer Poetry and Praise. Brings me serenity and oft times inner peace.
Contemplative Haven, asylum for a refugee soul. Brings me to reflection.
A crocus in the valley. Though she too will be on sabbatical until after Easter as well.
Now Lisa from
Are We There Yet tagged me for The Saint MEME. I have enjoyed this one because it caused me to contemplate more deeply the lives of those saints I do admire. Thank you, Lisa.
1. First saints you met. Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Therese of Liseux .
2. Favorite saints. St. Therese, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Theresa of Avila.
3. Patron saint for the year. St. Stanislaus Kostka
4. Favorite book by a saint.
Interior Castle by St. Theresa of Avila
5. Saint book you are reading now.
The Kings Good Servant, But God's First (St. Thomas More)
6. Favorite movie about a saint. Thomas A Beckett
7. Favorite autobiography/biography of a saint.
The Story of A Soul by St. Therese
8. Favorite novel/book of a Saint.
Mother Theodore Guerin, A Woman For Our Time9. Saint (besides your favorites) you'd want to meet. St. Padre Pio, St. Thomas More, St. Maximilian Kolb.
10. Saints you look to for help. St. Anthony, St. Padre Pio, St. Francis Xavier Cabrini
11. Favorite saint quotes. ""Love is a debt you owe to everyone." St. Catherine of Siena; "We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed firmly on God." St Francis de Sales
12. Favorite holy card(s).
13. Favorite story about a saint. About St. Patrick as he drove the snakes out of Ireland.
14. If you could go anywhere on pilgrimage to what saints homeland, where would it be. Ireland and all it's saints.
15. any Blessed or Venerable you would like to become canonized. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
I will tag:
Ukok's Place2.
Mommy of Four3.
Grandma's Musings4. And anyone in my Group on Tuesday night.
My thanks to all who have challenged me to grow and improve who I am, as Matthew Kelly would say, "A better-version-of-myself."
Again I say, "Thanks be to God!"